Also shocking is the number of women in prostitution who suffered Childhood Sexual Abuse, which makes visiting prostitutes wholly inappropriate for anyone to do, but especially anyone who claims to be some kind of CSA advocate.
Simon, a lot of them have been trafficked into it as well. I was watching Underage, Undercover on Discovery+ and it was a huge eye-opener. Girls being targeted between the ages of 12-15, perverts getting CSAM from them, to sell to other perverts.
The internet is a dangerous place for children unmonitored.
It is sad that many CSA survivors have went into this "line of work" because they were procured by those who love having power over another human being and making a profit. This sounds like slavery to me and the last I checked, slavery is illegal.
This was another eye-opener for me. I used to live not too far away from those streets in Glasgow. It is sickening that this is the place it has become.