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It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars
by Newly Enlightened 11530 Replies latest watchtower scandals
nicolaou don't answer the question then idc. And if you think Lloyd is going to bring up his fat face and head for any reason you don't understand narcs.
Las Malvinas son Argentinas
Starruby needs to be added to the litigation. He's trying to derail the thread with fat jokes.
As someone who believes there isn't much that is off limits about Lloyd Evans, including pointing out that his lawyer Karlo Novosel appears to be incompetent, talking about Lloyd's "fat face" in unnecessary.
Starruby needs to be added to the litigation. He's trying to derail the thread with fat jokes.
As a reminder, truth is an absolute defense against defamation.....
Who did it better?
Throw some Jussie in there too!
From Lloyd Evans Parody on Twitter. It isn't exactly a confession, but it isn't far from the truth either.
Why is his head so fat? Haven't you ever heard the expression: "He's a fat head"?
With the last two posts, this thread has now become the most replied to post on JWN.
Hats off to everyone.