It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars

by Newly Enlightened 11530 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • LoveUniHateExams

    Lloyd Evans claims that Kim Silvio wants to destroy him.

    The projection is strong with this one ...

  • silentlamb_silent_no_more

    I don't know how much information the plaintiff in a civil suit is required to give to the defendant

    I can't divulge the specifics but lets just say, that I have sued an organisation for covering up CSA and they had to have all of the specifics of why they were being sued, including my medical reports on damage done, what they didn't do for me and how the silence and negligence on reporting to the authorities aided the abuser to abuse others.

  • silentlamb_silent_no_more

    I know who care...but he keeps having Hissy fit about is private life...Hello?

    EXACTLY! If he was so concerned about his private life, then he would not put up his location on a video for starters! He would not show the world where he is, what he is doing and who he is with. He also does not care about his daughter's private life. He parades them online for the world to see, in full view of the public!

  • silentlamb_silent_no_more

    I wonder if anyone can get a Freedom of Information request on why Lloyd was df'd? I know that my sister and Betsan Powys at the BBC got a freedom of information request on what my father did - all up on BBC Panorama Suffer the little children. They got information that my father "had confessed to abusing myself some 3 years earlier"

    It's worth a try. Anyone wanting to put in a FOI request to Watchtower?

  • Toblerone5
    You forgot fake cries and drinks.

    also edible... cannabis ...Unless it's only for new year's eve party in patong? wonder if that's what he did yesterday ,stuff is mouth with Gummy bears,and he does have a big mouth so you know...that would explain why is twitter rant made no sense. He thought he was playing imaginary chess with kim silvio ...and then ask for the check to the waiter he know...

  • Newly Enlightened
  • TonusOH
    The thing about Lloyd's comment is what does it matter what a retired lawyer's credentials are?

    Based on his comment, it seems as if he's trying to back her into a corner by making this an issue. I agree with Simon, I think he's just looking to get as much info on Kim as he can, in the hopes that he can use it at some point down the road. If she decides not to respond, he is implying that she is lying about her past and is thus not credible.

    This is a non-issue because the latest video's content was, yet again, confirmed by Evans himself. His bluster about adding to the litigation is just that- noise. His admission that he accepted her claim that she was a lawyer when it suited his needs is another example of his lack of self-awareness. His statement that "the ramifications are huge" if she is lying is, too. I mean, if a guy can lie to his family for years about his infidelity and sex habits, he "can lie about anything." Right?

    And as for "over-sharing"... LOL. He is a nightmare of a client for a lawyer, seeing as he won't shut up. And it looks like he's admitting that his strategy is to file defamation suits that no one will respond to, in the hopes of being granted judgment in default. *facepalm*

  • Toblerone5
    Multi-Billoin cult failed to silence Me...

    that Cult tried to silence Kevin Mcfree WITH A REAL COURT CASE ,AND REAL LAWYERS. And they finally drop that lawsuit, Do you see Kevin Ranting about that on social media? Bragging about is Team of Lawyers, PR Firm, Scuba diving lessons...So Dumb Dumd SHUT UP! and eat some candies Watctower go after people that make Youtube videos with LEGO characters, Not with menchild or men-child ,who makes stupid YTvideos with Star Wars toys, I mean Action figures... Guess it was my turn to trow a hissy fit...DISCLAIMER: No Edibles were used in this post. Just too much coffee...

  • NonCoinCollector

    I am less concerned about his Star Wars toys and more disturbed by his framed photos of GB members and whomever the non-GB member with glasses could be. Don't see a picture of his wife on the desk or anywhere else in the room.

  • TonusOH

    Now that you mention it, I wonder how long it will be before he adds their pictures to the background (and if he will claim that they were always there).

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