since when does a court, any court, use only initials on filed papers through the court?
The web service only exists as a courtesy so that people don't have to go into or call into the Sisak Municipal Court every time they need an update. The initials only represent a log of documents filed. The real documents of course have the full name "James Lloyd Evans" on them as well as the M7.
Countries using the "private prosecutor" feature for criminal offences expose themselves (wording!) to a lot of cases which have no merit and are opened out of vengeance or spite. This would never fly in the US, UK, Western Europe and especially Latin America. Can you imagine all the road rage incidents ending up in criminal court with both parties counter-suing each other for petty grievances and trying to play the cop?
And yes, there are the "someone insulted me on the internet and caused me distress" cases.
To successfully litigate this case, it needs to pass a series of thresholds. These judges are not stupid and can recognise a case opened with the sole intent of revenge or harm against the alleged defendant. So these thresholds are well known to the magistrates. The most common threshold is "do the alleged actions constitute a crime?". The next threshold will be "does the private prosecutor have evidence of said crime?"
In Evans's case, he needs to meet an even lower threshold, one of jurisdiction which would have been met if the accused had lived and committed the alleged crimes in Croatia. The problem he has is that ALL of the alleged defendants reside outside the borders of the Republic of Croatia, and that ALL of the alleged infractions also occurred outside these borders. Inside the filings there are specific criminal codes in Croatia that are alleged to have been violated. Are these foreigners subject to Croatian law, especially when these incidents occurred abroad?
Can Saudi Arabia prosecute a non-citizen/resident for drinking alcohol in Amsterdam?
A better analogy would be could a British court hold an American citizen shitposting abroad to the UK's notoriously strict anti-defamation/libel laws?
Is a Sisak Municipal Court judge willing to sign an order effectively extraditing 7 foreign nationals to Sisak? They still can't even get Julian Assange into a US court and this has been going on since 2010.
Can a judge actually watch the Lloyd Evans livestream and subsequently think he has a case?
This is why no one is taking this seriously.