One last one. No one on his twitter page made a comment or posted the video there. Cause i think he can't delete it , he would block or respond to someone doing that , and anybody could see that...Anyway I think that after all the negative comments he got for his post of Altwordly , my guess he will not touch Kim Youtube with a ten foot pole...He realize now if he mention her name , some will automatically bring the lawsuit which he tries to pretend it kind of never exist... Or it is stuck in the Twilight zone Croatia court system
It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars
by Newly Enlightened 11530 Replies latest watchtower scandals
Forever Alone, what did you study?
I have an A. S. in criminal justice and a B. A. with a major in criminal justice and a minor in psychology.
Las Malvinas son Argentinas
Has he ever demonstrated that he has any artistic or design skills whatsoever? Or has he always got other people to contribute their work instead?
He didn’t even design the cover of The Reluctant Apostate and was going to hire that Jason Palmer guy to paint a portrait of him for his next book. (Side note - why does he need his portrait painted for a book cover? Is he Stalin? Mao? Saddam? Is his face going on currency?). Here’s a snippet from his indigogo campaign for TRA:
The “friend” was Arthur Weber, his Romanian partner in crime who was publishing all those pirated copies of COC for him. And if you know anything about Arthur, you know he didn’t charge Lloyd $500 for the cover which consisted of his ugly face covering 70% of it.
So yes, “art school grad” and “graphic designer” Lloyd Evans was (to borrow a line from Kim) “too busy” to design a simple cover I could have cooked up for him in an hour or so on Photoshop.
It’s hilarious how he accounts for everything right down to the last detail like fuel to pick up the books and money to cover what indiegogo and PayPal would take from his campaigns. It paints a picture of a man who strongly felt he shouldn’t have to go out of pocket for any of it even though he profited and it essentially launched his career.
He asked for $1470 for the cost of printing TRA. He raised over $20,000 USD. See how that works? Like the Kingdom Hall fund - donated supplies and free volunteer labour, WT spends very little on the actual KH and pockets the rest.
so happy that there is now a lot of support for those wanting to leave or who have been dfd
I’ve heard so many people say that and I’m so glad too. I was lucky to find support when I left. Perth is very beautiful 😍
What did he need an initial print of 100 copies for? You get it all set up on Amazon and people order it, there is no upfront cost. Ditto the cover. Amazon has templates already set up, you up load an image to it, adjust some margins and the like and you have a cover that is at least as good as the one he has.
Also, I don't know why he needed to order ISBN's in advance. Amazon puts one on the book for free when you publish it. It isn't like you need them to be in order or something, the only people that care are the ones stocking Barnes and Noble or whatever.
He asked for $1470 for the cost of printing TRA. He raised over $20,000 USD. See how that works? Like the Kingdom Hall fund - donated supplies and free volunteer labour, WT spends very little on the actual KH and pockets the rest.
At that time many were spinning the release of this book including Mark O'Donnell. People trusted these men and donated blindly. WT all along isn't it?
As I read Lloyd's "cost list" for his books, and his plea for funding, a feeling of revulsion washed over me.
Also, I don't know why he needed to order ISBN's in advance
I have no idea about publishing, and I suspect that you would be in the minority of the community who does know. When you don’t know something, this kind of information seems legitimate. It’s this kind of thing that makes me mad, as it would seem that he was even taking advantage of vulnerable people back then 🤦♀️
Edit: I did a little research about isbns and I can’t believe he embellished like he did. Sometimes his bs even surprises me!
Las Malvinas son Argentinas
What did he need an initial print of 100 copies for?
They were advance copies and he sold several hundred.
By getting this book launched in January 2017 (or possibly earlier) there is a real chance that we can reach out to indoctrinated Jehovah's Witnesses and give them the information they need to break free of cultic undue influence.
Notice the “we”. Classic cult technique of disguising a personal profit making enterprise as something larger, cooperative and part of something a lot bigger than a man selling a memoir.
In short:
- I am working with the right people, who are just as passionate about this project as I am.
- I have extremely high standards for this book. I am not writing a book just for the sake of it - I want the finished article to make its mark on the planet and stand the test of time!
- In the worst case scenario, I have other options for raising the needed funds. However, an Indiegogo campaign seems like the best way to let my supporters get involved and receive a special reward for their generosity.
To further answer the initial question of why, I’ll explain the zeitgeist of the late 2016/early 2017 period. Lloyd and his associates (that would include Mark O’Donnell) were plugging this project as the biggest thing since Ray Franz and the beginning of the end for WT. Notice the grandiose language above such as “making its mark on the planet” like it was ripped from a Scientology brochure.
It also “made its mark” by describing blue balls, hiding erections in field service and humping Christmas trees. This is why aliens refuse to communicate with us.
Hundreds of people fell for this bullshit. 400+ still do. WT took your money when you were in. Lloyd Evans seeks to take your money on the way out as some sort of sick exit tax or Islamic jizya.
It’s despicable and fraudulent, yet to this day, after everything he did and said to insult exJWs as having a cult mindset in opposing him, the lawsuits and constant threats, he’s still doing it.
But nowhere near as effectively as he did a year ago. It was a good year. On to 2023. Happy New Year.
This is why aliens refuse to communicate with us.
This comment will keep me sane for many years to come - thank you 💗😂😂