It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars

by Newly Enlightened 11530 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • pr0ner

    Either 3 things happened which are all bad for Lloyd but equally likely.

    1. He just wasn't funny. Like at all. He totally bombed and then he rage quit or they gave him some excuse about why he couldn't go on again.

    2. He said something inappropriate to one of the comedians and they told him he couldn't go again.

    3. Someone googled him or others contacted the people putting on the show and told him he couldn't go on again.

    The same thing will happen if he gets past open mic nights. He isn't talented or good-looking enough for people to turn the other way when he eventually sabotages himself.

  • lloydevansparody

    going out to see a show where Lloyd Evans is trying to say jokes must be really the saddest thing you could possibly do in your entire life. Just imagine the laughs with: "If Tibor is gracious" hahah hahahah hahahah hahahah hahahah ahhha more more please hahahah hahahah hahahah hahhahhah more more

  • Vintage

    Or maybe Lloyd will start out with:

    An exjw, a prostitute, and a film editor walked into a bar...

  • Las Malvinas son Argentinas
    Las Malvinas son Argentinas
    3. Someone googled him or others contacted the people putting on the show and told him he couldn't go on again.

    Ding Ding. Option three seems like a winner. But it's probably a combination of all three to be honest. What's he going to joke about? Not celebrating holidays? Or "don't you hate it when the wife drops the kids off and you have no idea what to do with them in Zagreb and your oldest has to act as interpreter for you?"

  • WingCommander

    Oh shit! Studio Smijeha saw it and gave that the "SHOCKED/WOW" emoticon!

    Hemorrhoid Evans is totally done at that place now. lol

  • Toblerone5
    What's he going to joke about?

    Everytime he was interviewed by some youtuber, he always like to tell the Boring story .when his parents told him the great tribulation was here ... That was the title Andrew Gold gave for the first interview he did with L.E. He love that story ,so I bet that's was what he joke .about . That story is not funny, what sick parents do that anyway ? Oh right , his dad , Adolph, who is probably a psycho- narcissist like his son...I had never heard of JW parents doing that to there kids . Anyone ?

  • pr0ner
    @LMSA now that is funny! I imagine his reaction is just to be dejected and give up.
  • ForeverAlone
    @LMSA now that is funny! I imagine his reaction is just to be dejected and give up.

    No, he will probably sue them for listening to "defamation" and unjust termination.

  • Las Malvinas son Argentinas
    Las Malvinas son Argentinas
    No, he will probably sue them for listening to "defamation" and unjust termination.

    Just them bringing it up that someone posted to their FB page about him seeing prostitutes is all it would take to get him to DEFCOM 1.

    "Lloyd, someone on FB using a pic of you and a young Asian woman as an avatar posted a link to a video where you talk about seeing prostitutes because the wife doesn't satisfy you. If this is going to be a part of your stand-up routine I have a few...."

    "Stop right there! These are criminals that are being criminally prosecuted so I'd be very careful about disseminating defamatory information!"

    "Right, but I watched the video and you actually did say..."

    "I dated the prostitute! I only paid for dinner, no other money changed hands! You are falling for the lies of the notorious fake lawyer Kim Silvio, who is facing severe penalties and possible jail time in a Sisak courtroom as we speak! It would be unfortunate if Studio Smijeha were to be added to that litigation"

    "I see. Thanks for demonstrating your material for tonight, but as a comedian, the audience is not going to get your humour, but rather they'd think you're insane."

  • slimboyfat
    I imagine his reaction is just to be dejected and give up.

    This guy has no sense of shame and he never gives up. He’s like the shapeshifting metal in Terminator, the indestructible arachnids in Arachnophobia, or the wounded knight who declared “only a flesh wound” in Monty Python and the Holy Grail. When any reasonable person would know the game is up, he just goes on and on and on. Will his steamroller approach work this time as it has in the past?

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