you keep mentioning that Dijana lost her position... her name is only in the interview credits,
Well actually , the last interview video ,you probably are referring to ,is the one from Feb 15 2023,with Ali Millar... Now funny thing about that is that a lot of his video are pre-recorded ,then Tibor can edit them ect...which mean that video could have been made in Jan 2023,but this no one will ever know and it doesn't matter cause...
If you had made your homework thoroughly before accusing everybody on this forum ,I on page 811, made a post on that ,you can see Dijana name on the Feb 1 2023 credit video, but then her name was NOT there anymore on the Feb 21 2023 video... Oh Wait what is the DATE of the interview you were talking about Again ? COULD IT BE THE 15 OF FEB? Since The number 15 comes before the 21 duh! ,that would explain WHY HER NAME WAS IN THE CREDIT ...Are you connecting the dots now ? Do you want me to draw you a pictures? Let me get my crayons...
That was number 1 by the way ,now Number 2
Go to a therapist and tell them you spend your days obsessing over some guy ...
Who went on his channel and notice that his wife name was on the interview credit ONLY ? Which mean You check all is other videos to see if her name was there which it was not , so ,and I will use Your Word here...
you make up irrelevant theories
her name is only on the "interview" video... Wait , is this base on a real fact, or is this Your own Theory? Maybe you can discuss this with your therapist . In psychology what you are doing is call PROJECTION by the way, It's when somebody
exaggerated statements about other people. People who project may claim to know what someone else is thinking or feeling, or they may accuse them of poor behavior.
But hey, ,the next time he interview somebody ,since his hair is Pee-nicillin blonde now , We will see if your ''theory" is right...and don't worry I will be the first one to check the credit at the end ,to see if D. name is there... cause i'm a psychos....
Note to myself...Don't forget to tell your therapist you were Mean AGAIN to an Idiot on the JW forum...Oh and specify that , NO , it was not the Idiot from Croatia this time...
Whatever may call it ? whatever who? whatever , you can go and give me my -1 now