Someone who wants to wake up has already started a process. You have been directed to Lloyd Evans because of his ability to be popular through some mechanisms some of which harmless but some others completely despicable.
This is important.
NO-ONE convinces someone else not to be a JW. No believing JW is even looking at exJW or "apostate" content, so anyone who does is already doubting and looking for answers. JWs aren't JWs because of the logical soundness of the belief system, so trying to reason them away doesn't really work.
All we can do is demonstrate to people who are already having those doubts and searching is that we're not the monsters the WTS has made us out to be. We're not immoral, drug-taking, whore-using, wife-abusing, lowlifes.
And THAT is why Lloyd will forever be a detriment to exJWs, regardless of whatever content he produces. He's simply a caricature of an apostate, perfectly living down to the standards the WTS predicts.
What matters more than anything is to be kind and friendly and to demonstrate that there can be life after the WTS, that you don't have to let it define your entire existence. Leaving the WTS doesn't mean you will turn into some monster and destroy your family. You can be as moral and caring as you were as a JW, even more so as you have time to dedicate to your family and the pressure and time commitments of being a JW removed from your life.
So while people think they care about doctrine when they are leaving, I think that's usually just a "chaser" for confirmation that the WTS is wrong. What convinces them to leave is the injustice and hypocrisy they wake up to and finally notice, and that the WTS lied about the people who leave.
But if you become an immoral, drug-taking, whore-using, wife-abusing lowlife ... you may be what convinces someone who was looking that the WTS might be right after all, regardless of what "amazing content" you produce.
But let's be real. There is no amazing content. Making up lies based on pure speculation is no "expose", it's just made-up crap. Taking clips from talks and making fun of them or ridiculing beliefs is not really difficult, but is also only appealing to those who have already left. It isn't really reaching out to JWs or showing them that we're not their enemy - it's using them as an easy punching-bag because you know no blows will ever come back at you.