thanks guys. my stomach is really upset now. at least i am not alone. but, oh my family still believes the org and shuns me. what a sad, sad thing. my best defense is not thinking about how the org has let me down. but i must need to be here as you see, here i am. this site brings up all the reasons i removed myself from their grasp and also reinforces my conviction to stay away. i am very happy this place exists for us all who need it.
What was Fullfilled in 1975?
by refiners fire 21 Replies latest jw friends
The separating work started and the love of the greater number cooled off amongst the household of God. And Adam and Eve celebrated another birthday.
***1975.....What great spiritual event occured in that year? ***
The only spiritual event I ascribe to this, is when listening to Freddie give one of his long drawn out, dramatic, ear piercing, drooling, word articulation. It used to send spiritual shiver's up my spine!
Actually I was more embarrased for him, us, we and them that had to sit through it!
Ahh, yee of little faith...
My friends, you have forgotten that a most important prophecy was indeed fullfilled in 1975, one that even the watchtower misses in it's very importance.
It seems that Christ himself was the propheseyer of this very prophesy, and that the watchtower bible and tract society sought to fullfill it even in it's own attempts to ignore it...
Let see, how did that prophecy go??
Watch out that you are not deceived. For many will come in my name, claiming, 'I am he,' and, 'The time is near.'
And what were the instructions about these many?
Do not follow them.
And the world rejoiced as they realized the simplicity of this fullfilled prophecy, and the implications for all... -
Then of course there was the great expectation of 1975.....What great spiritual event occured in that year?
There was a spiritual event that took place in 1975. A False Prophet was EXPOSED YET AGAIN!!!
refiners fire
Apologies to all. My computers been down all day.
Well, of course, 6000 years of history ended, but thats not a significant spiritual event. Id say the "return" of Christ was a significant EVENT,and certainly those resurrected would consider the resurrection an important EVENT.But the passing of the 6000 year mark is not an EVENT in that nothing was caused to happen.It might be an anniversary but isnt a wedding or a birth.
If Jesus was able to say that "no one knows the day or the hour" including angels and demons, there could have been no way of quantifying the end date; it could not be related to any set time period such as x years after Adams birth or Eves birth.
refiners fire
I guess youre right Ballis. If Gods time schedule was based on such simplistic math I guess your averagely intelligent demon would have been able to work out the date. By the same token, if the outworking of "parallel" chronological calculations, (parallels that work out in fullfillment to the day) are able to be worked out by mere humans, then can there be any doubt the end date for the world would not be able to be worked out by intelligent spirit creatures? Surely evidence the Russellian"parallels" were bunkum all along.
1975 should have conclusively proved either that the Jehovahs did not have god's backing and/or that god wasn't to be trusted with the numbers.
1975 also confirmed that I was a pathetically clueless believer. If it weren't for that, I could have saved myself close to twenty wasted years. -
The separating work started and the love of the greater number cooled off amongst the household of God. And Adam and Eve celebrated another birthday.
You are alright! I spit out my beer when I read this ... yep ... bud, you are on target.