The washtowel needs more money? Why? They will get from me exactly what they deserve. Which is nothing.
2019-11-25-BOE--Watchtower Wants More Money!
by Atlantis 26 Replies latest jw friends
road to nowhere
I kindly give to local people i know and can see the money used. Of course thwre are the stories of said poor people going to fancy restaurants
After the money I had to forego from what should have been MY inheritance that WT got, without one damned word of thanks, I will give them only one thing, the middle finger every chance I get.
I will give them only one thing, the middle finger every chance I get.
I don't think they are even worthy of your middle finger!
Thx, Petra -- I hope you're doing hair commercials making $$$ on that mane of yours (-: You can always donate the $$$ to the cult/lololol!
Are said ‘poor’ people who you gave $ to and who go to fancy restaurants JWs by any chance??
Other people can do what they want..but I would never give money to JWs....Sorry, but they don’t get to criticize somebody who works..and then think that said person is going to give them money. This is where Witnesses are not in touch with reality!
If a JW was once my friend and fell on hard times, I’d take them out to eat..and that would be the extent of my help to them. Period. I would then advise them to ask brothers with businesses for a job!
road to nowhere
Long hair
Indeed the poor were JWs, but i knew their situation and how they had acted toward others. The ones who squandered helping hands were ones i know of, but it was not my money in those cases
I know one sister who has a non husband and he is very generous with some who are facing troubles. He also has the means more than most
1. Although it's true that wage and economic growth has slowed, it is still growth.
Therefore it's fair to say that their statement "[t]he economic landscape continues to deteriorate for most..." is dishonest and misleading.
2. I laugh at the blatant logic-fail here:
"The gifts of the early Christians were voluntary...'not...under compulsion'...BUTTTTT.... Congregations have resolved to send a specific amount to support Kingdom Hall and Assembly Hall construction". I'm pretty sure a congregation passing a resolution by vote counts as compulsion since it forces the hall to write a certain sized check to WT each month.
3. "Congregations have resolved to send a specific amount to support Kingdom Hall and Assembly Hall construction worldwide each month, and some (emphasis mine) have resolved to send an additional monthly amount to the worldwide work."
- The are slowly but surely building the case to support the a future-state where ALL congregations must commit to a certain dollar figure in donations each month for the worldwide work, based on a per publisher "recommended" amount. In other words a guaranteed income stream WT can count on each month.
Woah. Hold on there, Sophia.
He will then use it protect the paedophile min serve(tm) that is molesting you.
you know TOMO 3rd loves his like minded paedophiles!!