Yes, all that is true.
BUT..the issue I find most upsetting - and which I haven’t seen addressed anywhere (except by ME) the fact that ALL the older people in the congregations when I came in the late seventies (post ‘75) were once in the workforce and collecting a decent pension; some had a business and were prosperous. Others were older affluent with an ‘unbelieving mate’ who gave them a cushy lifestyle.
It was THESE people who gave money to deadbeat pioneers. It was these people who saw to it that I was never invited to special gatherings because of my full time job. Meanwhile, these hypocrites were collecting a pension because somebody was in the workforce!!!
Just about all these people have passed away..If they were still living I would track them down and write them a letter telling them I am retired and how GLAD I am that I never listened to the nonsense...You know what the saddest part is? If some dope listened to the nonsense about quitting their job and was now unable to retire: these affluent older hypocrites are not even around to help anybody who was foolish enough to have listened to them!!
This is the problem with the JW religion: nobody from years ago is accountable. There are just new victims. People die and aren’t around to see the mess that’s left behind...I guess I got out by the skin of my teeth. What a life lesson learned!