Once again we have an OP where a lot of posters post specious comments that sound good on the surface but fall short of rational analysis. Religions have never been completely free of the strong arm of the law to believe and practice whatever they wish. Or are you all suggesting that human sacrifice, public torture devices for adulterers and heretics, having sex with children, honor killings, stoning the occasional heretic, etc., all of which have been practiced by various past and present religions, are acceptable?
So it is all relative. But let's for a moment forget about this law or that law. This OP, like so many others, is about the pressure for change brought about by social, cultural and capitalist/economic forces who strongly disagree with the expressed religious beliefs.
The DarkLords are not in prison. The FBI isn't investigating them. Bethel isn't burning. The IRS isn't climbing over their cyber fire walls. Society, in the form of 920,000 out of 1M viewers, "Dislikes" the hate filled views expressed by the DarkLords through Sofia's mom.
It's no different than the cable channel vs. DuckDynasty, the NFL/NBA/Cisco, et al vs. the governors of Indiana, MS and NC, the NBA vs. Donald Silver, or Bruce Springsteen and Maroon Five exercising their rights to show their own brand of dislike to hate.
Flailing about against those who agree with the NFL/NBA/Cisco/Bruce/Maroon and the 920,000 who dislike the Sophia don't say gay videos is irrational and misses the point.
Welcome to the 21st Century. Come on in guys, the water's fine.