Who is suggesting JWs should be locked up? - SBF
Nobody. Why do you ask?
What I actually said was that their views are increasingly unacceptable and they will probably disown them within ten years. How do you get from that to denying free speech? - SBF
I didn't get that from it at all. I joined in the conversation with the comment - "I disagree with the Watchtower's opposition to gay relationships but anybody who cares about freedom should defend their right to say it."
It wasn't about you.
Seven people disagree that they have a right to state their beliefs about sexuality. Those seven people are enemies of a free society.
Whenever there's a thread about shunning I don't see you declaring they have a perfect right to shun.
They do.
Whenever there's a thread about blood I don't see you declaring they've a perfect right to oppose blood transfusion.
They do.
Maybe you think those things, yet for some reason don't feel the need to say them all the time.
Why should I? I have responded to the issues of shunning and blood the only way that is logical. By exposing why their views are wrong. The same applies to this issue. They have a perfect right to state that they are opposed to gay marriage. Calls to restrain that freedom of religion is illiberal.
5 people, the US Cinstitution, The SCOTUS, Russia extremist laws, Switzerland acclimation laws, The Hate Speech laws in many countries all say the same thing. You can believe whatever you wish. Practicing those beliefs, which includes speech, videos, etc. , otoh, has limits. - DJS
There is no "permission" involved in what people think. But there is permission involved in what they say and do. - OC