Had to look. First paragraph mentions that most of were probably born after 1914. MOST? I bet the dubs 105 and older can be counted on your fingers.
WT study 8 December
by road to nowhere 29 Replies latest watchtower bible
1. What convinces us that we are living in “the last days”?
WERE you born after the year 1914? If so, you have lived your entire life during “the last days” of the present system of things. (2 Tim. 3:1) All of us have heard about the events that Jesus foretold for this time. These include wars, food shortages, earthquakes, pestilences, an increasing of lawlessness, and the persecution of Jehovah’s people. (Matt. 24:3, 7-9, 12; Luke 21:10-12) We have also seen people behave in the way foretold by the apostle Paul. (See the box “ The Way People Are Now.”) As worshippers of Jehovah, we are convinced that we are living during “the final part of the days.”—Mic. 4:1. -
Is this serious ? :):):)
how long can the last "wt" days last?
evidently longer then the last "wt" last days.
welche Last. laughable.
The reason they call them the Last Days -- because they last.......and they last......and they last.......and........
Doug Mason
The fact is that the guys who wrote 2 Timothy, Matthew, and Luke were writing about their own time.
Why warn Timothy if it had no relevance to him?
When in human history has there been no war, famine, earthquake, etc.?
If times are so terrible today, when would these Watchtower writers have preferred to have lived? Maybe the Lisbon earthquake? Maybe the Plagues of the middle Ages? Or weren't they bad?
Little wonder the writers of Matthew 24, who were writing about 15 years after the temple was razed by the Romans, were telling their own people to disregard wars, famines, and earthquakes as a sign. There would be people claiming to be "Christ", that is -- Anointed - who were doing so.
As worshippers of Jehovah, we are convinced that we are living during “the final part of the days.”—Mic. 4:1.
If you don't believe (without evidence) that you are living in the last of the last days then the Watchtower says you are not a worshipper of Jehovah.
Basically all they are doing is making another prophecy claiming to know which part of the last days they are currently living in, they can't help themselves.
road to nowhere
I found a part where they are right: " we do not know......."
Because none of these things happen before 1914?
Maybe the biggest bullshit lie from the WT that THESE ARE THE LAST DAYS because times are so bad.
The last 100 years have been the BEST for homosapians EVER EVER EVER!
All of us have heard about the events that Jesus foretold for this time. These include wars, food shortages, earthquakes, pestilences, an increasing of lawlessness, and the persecution of Jehovah’s people.
"Deep into the last days" "The last of the last day" bullsh*t slogans!
Long live the last days! yea god's king dumb!
just saying!