Since 1914? I have noticed political correctness tyranny, through the whole world, growing since the early 1990s. And it has really gotten out of hand in the past 10 years. It is illegal in many countries to criticize the official narrative, holding back science and forcing people to abide by lies. (Reminds me of the Dark Ages.) So many people are offended--on purpose, so they can protect their lies. Words and phrases that were not deemed as objectionable in the early 1990s are now deemed "hate speech" to as much as mention them. It is worse in most of Europe these days.
I think this means that the last days of freedom on this planet got started with the first Bush, and Bill Clinton ruined it for good. And look at the EU--that was intended to ruin Europe in ways that the UN failed to. Forced immigration (and not peaceful immigration--the "immigrants" rape, kill, and vandalize) through the whole European and American worlds--and it is "offensive" to call them out on it. Even the term "illegal alien", once used to denote people that entered a country without following proper protocol, is offensive and using it in many countries is a good way to end up with life in jail. Many Internet sites will ban someone or heavily censor that term.
For sure, remote from 1914.