UK justice..

by zeb 170 Replies latest social current

  • Ruby456

    humbled this is a former football hooligan turned brawler - he can look after himself in fact I would go even further and ask who will protect inmates from Tommy Robinson?

    but seriously he has been befriended by muslims in prison and in outside life. He does have a knack for getting himself out of tight spots. he well be fine and will be up to his old tricks again once he comes out after 13 months.

  • barry

    Ruby, Tommy Robinson does not have worldwide notoriety for being a football hooligan and brawler. We could all admit Tommy is a very naughty boy.

    Tommy Robinson has worldwide attention because he is standing up for the protection of those vulnerable people that have been abused by pedophiles. Standing up against Islam and sharia and people that would kill us infidels for being who we are.

    No one gets worldwide attention for being a very naughty boy

  • humbled

    Ruby,I appreciate your conversation with me on this. I see that he is hooligan but I know a lot of hooligans. Tommy is thinking and he is dealing with a real problem in the way natural to him. If you get a chance to look at the video of his conversation with Lord Pearson I think you will see the best of him. At the same time Lord Pearson tells him he’s a pretty naughty boy. The problem is that Tom is the flashpoint the lightning rod for things that should have been talked about a long time ago. It is concerning that he has a following that like himself are not used to resolving issues by outlining problems and then going hard at solutions. They get angry and seem to become aggressive. With no experience of community building he can only do part of the work: he is forcing the issue. But he must work with others like Lord Pearson who is bold like Tommy— but wiser. Pearson knows this business will go to violence if it is simply ignored.

    Tommy seems a bit of a loose canon , good hearted but loose . But my sense is that he would be reasonable if he saw Parliament get serious about the need for frank dialogue and action. I hope he would not just want a fight.

    Presently I am watching how Britain translates their right/left conversations into processes that can change the snafu that it and Europe is heading for with immigrants.

    We are having problems in the US not so much with Islam at present . That may come but we are not as immigrant-saturated as the U.K.. In my opinion the United States is still dealing with a long-standing failure to work for assimilation with the children of African-American slaves. And we are reaping the whirlwind now. We don’t have a way to converse honestly. And the PC culture may have something to do with is confusing.

    I am watching Britain. So glad for you to be here.

    I’ve thought of making a thread about the horror of prison life if you are white and thrown in with people who truly have been profiled thrown away.( prison is not a good place for Tommy. Not every Mudlim will feel open to him there l sm sure. Prisons are not character-building for men and women )

    honest unflinching dialogue must happened we hope for people to live in peace

  • Ruby456
    No one gets worldwide attention for being a very naughty boy. barry

    amongst hate groups they do I'm afraid. look how much support and attn ISIS gained. Groups like INCEL too. They have something in common - violence attached to a misplaced sense of seeking justice by any means.

  • Ruby456

    humbled in Europe there are lots of ways of dealing with immigration. One I was reading about recently at FutureLearn addressed one of the issues that motivates a migrant - a better life in Europe (this motivates most people). When they are show what life is like in Europe (how tough it is to start from scratch) and then shown how to make it in their own countries and given a ticket home with a small amount of money for investment in their own country they take it up.

  • freddo

    Rolf Harris was sent to prison. Did the judge order a press blackout at the time of his trial, similar to the one issued at the Muslim rapists' trial? If not, why not?

    To answer your questions

    No ...

    Because there was no-one outside Southwark Crown Court shouting about the trial going on inside and who may have caused a mis-trial and had the defendant get off scot free. (As I posted on page one of this thread - before all the jumping to conclusions) ...

    "As for the case he is protesting about - there is a very real danger that (if he "skews" the case by highlighting details or inciting a view that defendants are already guilty) there is a very real chance that the defence will cry "foul" and there will be a mistrial and they might get off scot-free."

    Jeez no wonder so many of us - self included - fell for jw'ism ...

  • barry
  • barry

    This video shows other Journalists outside the court in Leeds none of which were arrested of harassed by police the same time as Tommy Robinson was arrested.

    'Something is rotten in the state of Denmark' or maybe England

  • LoveUniHateExams

    To answer your questions

    No ...

    Because there was no-one outside Southwark Crown Court shouting about the trial going on inside - surely there were journalists outside court when the verdict on Rolf Harris was being reached.

    Why the media ban for one but not t' other?

  • freddo

    The key is in the word "Journalists" and "filming".

    Does the name Tommy Robinson evoke "Journalist" or "film-maker" in the average reader/listener?

    Do "Journalists" - as most people would describe them - generally ally themselves to a particular cause or do they try to report neutrally without inciting a point of view?

    He IS a correspondent I believe - a journalist even - but for whom?

    The Canadian far right "The Rebel Media".

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