UK justice..

by zeb 170 Replies latest social current

  • cofty

    The difference Freddo is that the authorities didn't believe or didn't know about the activities of Saville, Smith and Harris.

    In the case of the multiple Muslim pedophile gangs they did know and were too afraid/politically correct to protect the victims.

    Once again NOBODY is saying that all muslims are pedophiles - although their beloved prophet did set the example by repeatedly raping a nine year old - or that child abuse is a uniquely Muslim crime.

    The problem is that many immigrants have come from deeply misogynistic cultures where unprotected girls - especially non-muslim girls - are viewed as fair game. A woman is the possession of her father and then her husband. An unattached girl such as those in Council care is viewed with no respect. Living in a free and liberal society like England provides them with an abundance of opportunities for predatory sex. If you doubt this explanation of Muslim culture check out the recent comments of Maajid Nawaz on LBC radio.

    For decades the ridiculous, self-loathing doctrine of multiculturalism made it impossible to criticise other cultures without suffering professional ostracism, even when there were victims. It was easier to blame the teenage girls for being precocious or immoral.

    In 2011 Cameron. Merkel and Sarkozy admitted that multiculturalism has failed. Too late, the damage is probably irreparable..

  • humbled

    ^^^^Reposting phizzy.

    The defense could have made the charge that Tommy’s livestream tainted the trial. Such an outcome is unacceptable for the value of a live stream.

    The damage is done on the time lost to deal with massive immigration. Human displacement is an overwhelming problem. We face it in the US.

    So is it War? Civil war?

    edit: of course war is what you do when you have no alternative. But it is spoken of by at least one fellow over there. But why not give a listen to fellows like Pearson and Philips? Because they have to my thinking, a plan an approach to this terrible problem.

    Those who have cited the failure to assimilate should listen to these guys. Tommy doesn’t have a solution that l have heard. He is vocal and angry but it will not solve the problem.

    We have people aplenty here to stir things up. That Philips put his finger on a good many matters that we in the States should consider.

  • cofty
    fellows like Pearson and Philips

    Who are they?

  • barry

    Humbled , Iv'e seen the work of Trevor Philips. A very smart and sensible man he uses good data to prove the issues he presents. Isn't he the one that introduced the word Islamophobia and now regrets it?

  • humbled

    This is a terrific interview Tommy Robinson had with this fellow Lord Pearson on the problem of dealing with Islamist problems if people are afraid to talk about it. Lord Pearson is not afraid. He is alone.

  • humbled
    Humbled , Iv'e seen the work of Trevor Philips. A very smart and sensible man he uses good data to prove the issues he presents. Isn't he the one that introduced the word Islamophobia and now regrets it?

    Barry— yes he is. He is very strong in why the liberals approach to multiculturalism is a fail.

    His parents were immigrants and he maintains there is no way that assimilation can occur in this present situation. His essay is a long piece to read. I found it astonishing and blew my worktime on reading it through. No regrets though.;

    I called my daughter in NYC to tell her his grasp of the issues of insular populations, some marginalized but others simply walled off are a disaster within a country. What is encouraging is to read an unflinching estimate of the problem and what is at stake—but he has a thorough analysis and then steps to address the particulars. Bless Tommy for stirring things up ( maybe?) but Trevor Philips has thought beyond the rage and frustration.

    This ^^is less than 2 minutes. Gives you a taste of his reasonableness.

    His amazing essay: Race and Faith: the Deafening Silence

  • freddo

    Cofty ...

    "The difference Freddo is that the authorities didn't believe or didn't know about the activities of Saville, Smith and Harris."

    Errr, I believe that the PM Margaret Thatcher knew of allegations about Saville and Smith before she recommended them for knighthood!

    But Savile was first brought to the authorities attention in 1963. More recently he was interviewed under police caution in 2007. Time and again suspicions were brought forward about him. (But like WT he was a multi millionaire able to bring legal weight to bear and with a reputation of lots of good charity work to his name and so he appeared "as an angel of light")

    Smith was mentioned in 1979 in Private Eye in connection with alleged abuse ...

    What appears to me to have happened with the Pakistani Muslim rape gangs is the "perfect storm" of cowardly do gooders not wanting to stand up against being labelled falsely as racists or faithists coupled with the reticence of the "shame" of "everyone" involved in worrying about their reputations in tackling child abuse.

  • zeb

    There are gremlins in the works as my comments are printing backwards. eg mat the on sat cat the. Anyhelp please!

    But if this works: The comments here are becoming academic and Tommy is still in real danger. Sr. Hanson from Australia going to visit? The media in the uk will doubtless edit anything she says to floor sweepings as they have done here (and she has been her own enemy at times) and possibly make things worse in the public eye for TR.

    The Lord's said those who would back TR and who are in fear must unite he suggested under the party called "U-Kip" and become some thing to be reckoned with in the electoral arena or the UK is faced with the most dire future. Anyone remember an MP name of Enoch Powell...................

  • humbled

    There is a provision for journalists to interview prisoners to prevent miscarriages of Justice. What the matter addresses may not be relevant to Tommy Robinson. But considering what occurred when huge mass was in prison there may be a legal mind that can see this in his favor

  • humbled

    House arrest a possibility? Article about its use in the U.K. for difficult cases.

    This sure is one.

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