There was a protest outside Downing Street on Saturday, however, the press reported on it as "far-right protest", as if they'd polled everyone in attendance for their political stance.
UK justice..
by zeb 170 Replies latest social current
do not let the thing continue as a Muslim vs. White Britain matter - this is only true insofar as the UK is a white-majority country.
(People of colour who don't like white people should best give the UK a miss - us whiteys are like rats, we're everywhere in the UK. XD)
If Muslim extremists ever got a foothold in Jamaica, I can guarantee it would be a Muslim vs. Black Jamaicans matter.
As it is, there are actually quite a few brown skinned Sikhs, Hindus, Christians and ex-Muslims who are on Tommy's side.
This may be silly, but have wondered who keeps up with the principled approach to dealing with radical Islam as opposed to a prejudiced view against Muslims? That Lord Pearson has the best handle on this distinction as far l can see. He wants things made clear. He is not viewed as a far-right agitator l hope? The conversation Tommy Robinson had with him is a model for protest to follow. The man is solid.
^^^^Tommy and Pearson
Here's Tommy Robinson's full stream video ...
Within the first few minutes and again at the 50 min mark, he catches people walking towards the court (presumably relatives of the accused).
Needless to say, he gets arrested at the end for 'breach of the peace'.
He was polite enough, was careful to use the word 'alleged', and most of the vid was him on his own talking to the camera.
A f**king traversety.
Luhe—I will watch the rest of the Full-stream video after l get my work done.
Tommy says lawless Islamic groups are throughout the north of England. He notes their aggression and he is full of righteous anger. He is calling for men to be responsible (as Jordan Peterson rightly calls men to step forward). Lord Pearson is a man of that sort. But the women too are there. It is often the women who take their daughters to the police, who press the charge and demand justice.
With respect, Luhe, it is well to keep color out of this entirely.
People of colour who don't like white people should best give the UK a miss - us whiteys are like rats, we're everywhere in the UK. XD)
Truly, Britannia has crosses the color line in every colony. Color? The various shades of babies that issue forth after the troops leave— it is shameful to color code humanity. Britain especially. Her chicks will roost somewhere...but by law. And most do want law...
As it is, there are actually quite a few brown skinned Sikhs, Hindus, Christians and ex-Muslims who are on Tommy's side.
and you see it already.
The issue is Law not Color. Hold everything and everyone to it.
edit: and those Sikhs, Hindus, Christians , and ex-Muslims who are in Tommy’s side are brave. Don’t you know they feel very vulnerable in their communities?
those Sikhs, Hindus, Christians , and ex-Muslims who are in Tommy’s side are brave. Don’t you know they feel very vulnerable in their communities? - well, only one of those four groups are brave and feel vulnerable .. see if you can guess which one.
Luhe—To be sure everyone is afraid.
Meanwhile, the judge who sentenced him also ordered the British medianot to report on his case. Newspapers that had already posted reports of his arrest quickly took them down. Even ordinary citizens who had written about the arrest on social media removed their posts, for fear of sharing Robinson's fate. All this happened on the same day.
I posted that a day or so past.
You and others who cast this in color must realize that creates a special hazard for Sikhs, exMuslims, Hindus who appear to turn against their own communities if they make common cause for Justice with Robinson.
They used to shout “n——-r lover” at whites who only thought justice should be color blind.
If you have evidence to the contrary, l am interested in knowing it.
@Humbled - I'm sorry if you think this is about colour for me because it's not.
The level of threat varies.
The threat level is low for ordinary people such as you and me (and Sikhs, Hindus and Christians, for that matter).
Sikhs and Hindus who criticise Islam DO NOT face a backlash from their own communities. In fact, Sikhs and Hindus living in India and Pakistan know what Islam is like because they have to live alongside it.
The threat level is much higher for people who become famous for criticising Islam - people like Tommy Robinson and Douglas Murray.
Finally, the threat level is highest for Muslims who leave Islam, e.g. Ayaan Hirsi Ali.
These people have to have round the clock security because Islam proscribes the death penalty for apostasy.
They used to shout “n——-r lover” at whites who only thought justice should be color blind - so what?
Black Republican supporters routinely get called 'Uncle Tom' and 'C**n' today in 2018 ... by other black people.
What's your point?
Luhe- l simply got the impression that color was a big factor coming from your posts. Your first posts spoke of Tommy being a white working class fellow. You repeatedly complained about white girls being raped .
Remember that Sikh girls were likewise raped— even in Pakistan young Christian hand Hindu girls are tricked and raped.(It seems that parts of Pakistan have a problem in their treatment of little girls especially with you recall that little child so no it seems that in parts of Pakistan have a problem in their treatment of little girls especially you recall that little child Zaineb (sp) the 12th child raped and murdered in a Pskistsn city.,Yet the people there are horrified.
The reporter who broke the story, while he acknowledged this was a grooming done by primarily Muslim men he was clear that it was a peculiar subset. And his 4 years of research which included police and social service files were utterly damning DAMNING of the collusion of the authorities. Money was involved .lots of it as much as any fear.
Sikh men are mistaken for Muslims. The perception of color is frightening.
Robinson and Weston anticipate war. You mention the radical Finsbury imam that was a jihadist but did you know that the moderate Muslims worked to get rid of him— sought government help. The guy was crazy glue. Yet Weston believes these moderate people will go to the dark side in a war. They want someone to have their back- not have Tommies mistake them for enemies.
You realize that Britain and all of Europe was involved in bloody and many religious wars going back for hundreds of years. This isn’t the first time England has had to sort itself. If the British government would enforce the law for crimes against every citizen this would stop. It is a special threat these radical Mudlims but The moderate Muslims want peace.
Lord Pearson said something that should give hope: The mosques are vibrant now but on a Sunday morning the church of England is quiet. He meant that as a caution against the activity of Muslims. But think how murderous the times were in England during the Reformation. And now?