Do you think that when people leave the religion that they are basically now, “normal”? Or do you think it’s more a work in progress?
We Knew Many JWs That Weren’t Right....what about xjws??
by minimus 11 Replies latest jw friends
road to nowhere
We ( im pimo) cant be normal. We missed normal activities; xmas, bdays, haloween, tgiving, military scouts. I have to admit mom and dad compromised so I did some trick n treat, bdays, etc. As a teen and 20s I had the drinking, chasing around. Never had a girl all the way until marriage. I think back and wonder about some chances I maybe missed, maybe not.
The biggest non normal thing is realizing we are not going into the new world and facing retirement, death, and were suckered. It cant be explained to anyone outside the experience
Being a JW is just not normal. Too many restrictions. No personal growth. It's all about the Org. Once you get out you realize all the things you missed out on. Education, careers, opportunities. All for empty promises.
It takes a while before all the pieces of the puzzle begin to fit. Very few people up and leave and are automatically ok.
It really depends...maybe responsible somewhat older people who weren’t raised in the religion and know how the world works..and carefully planned their Exit..could be considered pretty much normal...They may have an unpleasant memory from time to time but that’s no worse than somebody never a JW who has bad memories from unpleasant experiences in life.
I was not raised a JW and I held onto the job I was criticized for - so I had an easier transition Out... I may have felt ‘strange’ for several months - but the joy of being Free again and reconnecting with estranged relatives before it was too late (priceless) canceled out these feelings.
The wife and I were converts in our late teens and walked the tightrope with both our family`s so never had any real issues with them once they realised we took our "new" religion seriously.
We had a pretty normal relationship with them but just did draw the line sometimes .we accepted them thinking our example might bring some of them in ,which it did in a couple of cases ,and they accepted us .
And when we all left at various times there was no fanfare about it we just slotted in as normal family members.
stan livedeath
Ive met quite a few female exjws..either in person or online. Most had health issues..the sort of illnesses only female jws get. Usually diet related.
What makes it hard to say is that most people don't become JWs because life is great. So how many of them were normal when they joined or had normal parents if they were born in.
I think most of us who leave at least have a few things to work on, some have many. What I find annoying about some XJW's is that they are not prepared to put the work in to change for the better, they think that just leaving is sufficient.
Listen, if you were an arsehole when you were a JW, you still are an arsehole if you haven't addressed your affliction ! Put on the " New Personality ". LOL.
Anna Marina
A norm is a rule. So whoever's rules you choose to live by is a version of 'normal'.
For Christians normality is living by the values and priorities laid down by Jesus Christ.
For others the normality is different.