What's considered "Normal" depends on the where you live and what the dominate culture- STANDARD is. If a JW lives in a Muslim country where women are not treated equally as men, I would say a JW is a bit more normal than the "Area Standard"
Normal is defined; as conforming to a standardIn you live in the USA where freedom is cherished, then I would say being a JW is outside the boundaries of what is considered "Standard"- or normal, in the area.
Of course leaving the JW religion doesn't guarantee a person will be happier or life will get easier. In fact for some, it might mean life getting worse.
The JW religion is just a part of the crazy world we live in. If a person is born into it or is tricked into it, and finds out later in life that it's not the life we would want to live, for whatever reason, then there is a choice to be made, ----stay in for the sake of family and be miserable to an extant for the rest of your life, - or leave and say good bye to family.
We are free to choose. We just have to weigh the consequences of what "We may personally consider to be normal for us"-------and live with our decision.
There are literally hundreds that have posted on exjw reddit that left the religion, and after a few years they decided to go back, even though they know it's not the truth. And they admitted that. But to them, it was more normal inside the religion than outside.