Finally OUT

by heianderen 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • run dont walk
    run dont walk

    welcome heianderen !!!!!!!!!!!!

    I've seen the hipocresy, the inconsistencies, and the lies, and the absurdities

    how this changes your life, you will be fine, and have lots of support here, look forward to talking to you in the future !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Simon


    Hang in there buddy 'cause things definetely get better, even if there are some difficult bits along the way.

    I felt like a bit weight had been lifted off when we stopped going and of course, we have lots of time for ourselves - you really realise how much of your life was spent doing things for the WTS and not for yourself.

    Hope it all goes well for you.


    Welcome'll never regret our decision.

    I think this congregation spirit is far better than the Organization as a whole

    I have been in several congregations and met some very nice people in each. I also met some horrible people in each. For me leaving had to do with the fact that even the very nice people chose to defend the indefencible in the organization. When I found that people who I thought were friends chose to ignore my family's pain from sexual abuse...................expecting us to put up with corrupt elders, injustices and unrepentant pedophiles...................I saw those people for what they REALLY were. And they were NOT my TRUE friends, their friendship was purely conditional and dependant on my place in the borg. Out of the WTS, out of their lives.

    The fact is that there are good and bad people everywhere, but the reason I came into the organization was for 'truth' not them. In the end when I saw that alot of the doctrines, rules and teachings are not just wrong but even corrupt.................I did what I had done with the Catholic church, I left. 'Get out of her my people if you do not want to share in her sins'

    If any more children had been abused by the same person that abused my child, and I did nothing to stop it, I would be reprehensible, not just in god's eyes but in mens' too. So, because they df'ed me when I spoke out and warned mothers, and then I went back, I knew I couldn't speak because they would kick me out I left, faded............and I tell any jw I meet ALL about my situation, the UN scandal etc.

    You have done the right thing, and it sounds like you've got a fairly good situation with your family too.

    Good for you. Look forward to reading more from you.

    Cheers and welcome..................Bliss

  • Double Edge
  • Euphemism

    ¡Bienvenido! Estoy seguro que esto es un tiempo dificil para ti, pero la libertad vale mucho. Espero leer tu historia.

  • Swan
    Before, they make the announcement, I was visited by two elders, one of them was about to cry. (He is a sincere man, I feel sorry for him, he has been depressed for 20 years, and his wife has cancer) I think this congregation spirit is far better than the Organization as a whole. (or much better than the spirit that the Org promulgates)

    I know some very sincere JWs and it is such a shame. This sick Organization of men doesn't deserve them. They are too good for the WTBTS. It looks like this is the same in your congregation. But take heart. Perhaps your making a stand and DA announcement will help others to wonder and eventually see this. We can only hope.


  • Phantom Stranger
    Phantom Stranger

    Congratulations for taking the jump, and it does get better.

    Best wishes,


  • Guest 77
    Guest 77

    Hi Hie. Yes, your lucky in being able to communicate with your family. I never felt uncomfortable using the word lucky even when I was a JW. I too am lucky.

    Guest 77

  • acsot

    Bienvenido y gracias por tu historia. Con la libertad viene responsabilidad, uno tiene que tomar sus propias decisiones, en vez de dejarlo todo a una organizaci ón. Aqui tiene amigos que no te d arán la espalda simplemente a causa de tus opiniones. Hay temor, pero felicidad y libertad.

    Welcome to the forum, and please tell us more about yourself.

  • Stacy Smith
    Stacy Smith

    I wish you well heianderen. I didn't have to DA as I never took the plunge but I know lots who had lots of trouble after leaving. Keep really busy.

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