I went to field service group once and the young elder taking the group was wearing a hat and said the prayer with a hat on. I informed him later that you are not meant to have head covering, he said he was unaware of such things. Now that the calibre of recruiting on the part of CO.
Dumbest elder
by Chook 14 Replies latest jw experiences
James Mixon
I guess he never read 1 Corinthians 11:7. But the hat thing is a joke most religion wear some type of head covering Pope, skullcap by Muslims, Kippah by Judaism and we have the turbans. It interesting that we here in the western culture considered it rude or disrespectful for a man to wear a hat inside a church...So which is it hat or no hat, I'am bald on the top that's why I haven't entered a KH hall in years.
I've learned in my time in the Org that the elders aren't exactly the sharpest tools in the shed -
He is probably acting dumb.
Lets face it , what truly genuine religious training do JW`s get before they can become an Elder ? None.
All they have to know is basic current WT new light on some core beliefs held by the GB. And more importantly have more than 10 hours regulary every month for at least six months in field service ,and bingo you can be a MS ,and keep it up for another six months you can be nominated for an Elder.
All you need is to be indoctrinated with JW , / WT beliefs and your in.
At least Christendoms mainstream religions have extensive knowledge of history of first century Christianity , their writings , including books not included in todays accepted Bible , and generally an understanding of the languages of the time.
Most JW Elders are completely ignorant of early christianity and the writings that were available ,the languages that were used at that time ,or the possible additions./subtractions to scripture either in the OT or the NT.
They just do not have the knowledge or education level to comprehend such things.
Actually, younger elders are dumb because they do not read the bible or are not encouraged to use the bible, the elders manual is what counts. They are taught by rote, and what the older elders say applies. I remember a new, younger elder prepared using the bible to discuss a point at the elders meeting. As soon as he pulled out his bible and notes, an older elder said "we don't need the bible, we have this book" as he held up the elders manual. The young elder was so astonished that after the meeting he returned his elders manual to the COBOE and stepped down as an elder.
Dumbass elders were among the main reason for me to start fading and leaving. Through my life as a JW I saw so many low IQ elders directing a congregation and making recommendations to people on life changing decisions! Not to mention all the crap I had to listen to them saying idiotic things and poor interpretations of facts.
Some men are more intelligent than others, but regardless of training, there are men out there who are just not capable of any kind of leadership. They get recommended and sometimes pushed to be elders for the stupidest of reasons, not based on knowledge, intellect or leadership skills.
Look at the candidate pool elders are chosen from. Largely uneducated and unskilled. Exceptions to that rule are rare and have gotten even rarer as the years have gone on. Do you have a brain in your head? Hide it or turn it off. Thinking is severely discouraged. Repeat the party line. That's all that required.
I was told only yesterday that the elder in charge of the accounts has lost a few £££ here and a few £££ there due to having absolutely zero experience in handling finances. A sister who has been a qualified accountant for 30 years and has many many companies as her clients offered to help... what do you think happened? She was told of course she cant help, she's a sister. Only men can do the accounts.
It boggles the mind.
It's from Paul's letter to the Corinthian congregation
1 Corinthians 11: 1 - 10
Become imitators of me, just as I am of Christ.
I commend you because in all things you remember me and you are holding fast the traditions just as I handed them on to you. But I want you to know that the head of every man is the Christ; in turn, the head of a woman is the man; in turn, the head of the Christ is God. Every man who prays or prophesies with something on his head shames his head; but every woman who prays or prophesies with her head uncovered shames her head, for it is one and the same as if she were a woman with a shaved head. For if a woman does not cover herself, she should have her hair cut off; but if it is disgraceful for a woman to have her hair cut off or shaved, she should be covered.
For a man should not have his head covered, as he is God’s image and glory, but the woman is man’s glory. For man did not come from woman, but woman came from man. And what is more, man was not created for the sake of the woman, but woman for the sake of the man. That is why the woman ought to have a sign of authority on her head, because of the angels.This seems to be the most indepth discussion re:men wearing hats
Also makes an interesting distinction between public and private prayers
Watchtower 15 February 1977, pages 125 to 128
Should You Cover Your Head During Prayer?
It was a cold, windy day when the friends of the deceased widow stood in the snow around the open grave. The balding minister offered some brief, comforting words and then prayed.
Had you been there, would you have felt that during the prayer all present should remove anything covering their heads? The question might be especially pertinent in such wintry weather. But, really, do you feel that whenever you pray you should uncover your head? Or, might you believe that during prayer you definitely should have your head covered?