In the UK his reputation for recklessness hasn’t diminished. He appears to care more for the American economy than he does for the American people. He’s going to get America back to work by Easter because it’s a “very nice timeline, very nice” – well good luck with that. I always thought he was a moron until someone pointed out that you have to have an IQ of at least 51 to qualify.
Do You Think Trump Is Doing.A Good Job Dealing With The Coronavirus?
by minimus 72 Replies latest jw friends
He is not perfect. Far from it--it is absolutely idiotic to expect everything to return to normal by April 12. Do that, and I guarantee you that within 2 weeks, we are going to have a super whopper of an outbreak through the whole country that will have everything shut down for 6-18 months. They need to keep stupid things closed down--and that goes especially for churches and mosques (and, as New York City can attest, synagogues are not exempt). It simply is not worth it, and especially when churches are supposed to be packed this Easter. They deserve to be empty or closed down in a regular year, and more so this year.
But, it could have been worse. They tried putting in rubbish riders into the relief bill, that would have enforced political correctness, the green rubbish, and just about everything else. And, he could have declared martial law, suspended the Constitution, and instituted Noahide Law. He rejected the rubbish riders, forcing them to bring a clean bill for the relief and put the riders in separate bills (which I hope get vetoed).
Personally, I don't think this virus itself is so dreadful as the potential consequences. Long after the virus is gone, we will have those reptilians on this earth bossing everyone else around, we will all have RFID chips, and there will be no individuality. None. We will all be as the greys. I, personally, would rather have a weak or sloppy response to the virus that isn't going to lead to this outcome than a tight and effective response that will--even if quite a few people have to die, more have had to die in other acts of defense to our freedom.
while...echoing his experts.
Do you mean the experts that have been instrumental in ratcheting up the panic? I see nothing wrong with trying to calm people, even IF it means saying something that is wrong. After all, don't people try to reassure someone badly injured, "It will be okay," even if they are going to die?
road to nowhere
There is a balance in caring for the virus problem and what a recession will do to people. The bankers ( broad sense)are already showing their colors when it comes to mortgages, rent, car payments. There are lots of stir crazies already.
Did anyone in power notice the the flow of medical equipment to china? A tent hospital can be set up, but the nurses without masks are in danger
Is Coronavirus Trump’s fault? Is he responsible for it?? Only a moron would think that. Is the government of Italy, Spain etc. responsible for the Coronavirus?
No one is saying the virus is Trump's fault. That's a red herring. He's just not handling things particularly well, but that was to be expected from someone who doesn't believe in science, doesn't trust his advisors, refuses to read briefings, etc. He just wasn't qualified to be president and is botching his first calamity. He's in way over his head. He's a failed businessman with a number of bankruptcies, a reality TV wannabe who should never have been elected.
Ah , yes, you are saying the virus being here is Trump’s fault. Because he doesn’t believe in science, doesn’t trust his advisors, refuses to read briefings, just said it plus more. 💩
I give up Minimus. Trump is handling this pandemic perfectly. It's the winey governors who are not being nice to him, asking for too much in equipment and supplies and not supporting his idea to put the country back to work so we can all fill the churches on Easter Sunday.
As Trump himself keeps repeating, the stable genius is doing a great job, the best job in history. Make America Great Again!!! Trump/Pence 2020!!!!! Geez!!!!!!!
Trump’s own words. No commentary.