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Do You Think Trump Is Doing.A Good Job Dealing With The Coronavirus?
by minimus 72 Replies latest jw friends
Room 215
Min, the truth is: in Hilary vs Trump we got the greater of two evils.
Haha I totally disagree but I don’t expect anything to change your view but it’s all good! Trump is the President.
Minimus: Jp, thanks for responding.
You’re welcome!
He said it was a "hoax" and that it would disappear (miraculously, due to his connection with the evangelicals, perhaps?). Check out his tweets. (March 9) and his CNN interview on January 22, among other interviews and tweets.
Now he's running scared. He only listens to what he wants to hear, and now the horse has run out of the barn long before anyone closed the door.
Out of fairness, no one knew that it was going to get to this point, but the leadership that he shows is dysfunctional at best.
What do you expect from a guy who has the intellectual acumen of a grade school teenager.
Just listen to him speak or Tweet as it may be.
The people behind him are unquestioningly smarter and drive most of "his" decisions.
He reminds of guy I used to know in high school who got driven to school everyday by the family's personal assistant, big ego but little brains.
Trump is really so dumb. So unsuccessful. No brains. He should be smart like you.
Yet the state of NY has been short of medical supplies long before the COVID 19 hit. Nurses/medical personnel have been pleading for past yrs. but no one listened. It's a nanny state that is dependent on the federal government - all other states in the union pay tremendously for NY. Wonder where all those state funds have ended up - residents can't flee the place fast enough even previously to this horror. Wonder why that is!! Corrupt leadership at its best.
Political leaders in NY were telling them to carry on with their lives - go out enjoy your restaurants, clubs, socialization - parents screaming for Cuomo to close the schools - ahh, now that's leadership at it's best.
Yeah - have fun blaming President Trump and good thing you're clueless re/facts - we understand. Maybe learn to be objective - it's helpful. Your liberal presidential candidate couldn't even handle one military situation and her boss slept through the phone calls - facts reveal he slept through/ignored weeks of pleas. Run the country - your political leaders can't run a state or a critical phone call!
I know exactly what you mean about not wanting to vote for a president in the 2016 election..because BOTH choices were unacceptable. I felt this way myself.
Well, the man got in and even though many hate him (irrationally in some cases) I don’t think he’s doing a bad job. Besides the Spanish influenza, nothing like this has happened in modern times!!
Maybe when this is over (and, God willing, we’ll still be standing) people can look back with 20/20 hindsight and say what ‘should have been done’. Until then, let’s keep our fingers crossed.
It’s much easier to criticize what has already happened. I don’t envy anyone that has to deal with this situation.