Umm the bible bible clearly says a generation is 40 years at job and exodus
I Got Another Telling Off On JWTalk
by pale.emperor 94 Replies latest members private
The 'overlapping generations' model has been used in economics for some time. However, to apply this theory to a 'religio-spiritual' model such as the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses has done is pure FANTASY!
I think the "overlapping generation teaching" is becoming kind of the modern-day "Shibboleth" test.
Judges 12:4-6:
Jephʹthah then gathered all the men of Gilʹe·ad, and they fought Eʹphra·im; the men of Gilʹe·ad defeated Eʹphra·im, who had said: “You are only fugitives from Eʹphra·im, you Gilʹe·ad·ites in Eʹphra·im and Ma·nasʹseh.” 5 Gilʹe·ad captured the fords of the Jordan ahead of Eʹphra·im; and when the men of Eʹphra·im were trying to escape, they would say, “Let me cross over”; then the men of Gilʹe·ad would ask each one, “Are you an Eʹphra·im·ite?” When he would reply, “No!” 6 they would say to him, “Please say Shibʹbo·leth.” But he would say, “Sibʹbo·leth,” as he was unable to say the word correctly. Then they would seize him and slay him at the fords of the Jordan. So 42,000 Eʹphra·im·ites fell at that time.
If a JW questions the "overlapping generations", then it's as if he says "Sibboleth" - "you're not really one of us".
Can you please ask him what scripture clearly states the generation is two groups? They forgot to add that piece of information to my silver sword
Some thoughts I might be inclined to express to Pale's pro JW Forum. Of course these thoughts would be expressed as I got tossed out the door.
Overlapping generations is a weasel doctrine when the Society realized they had painted themselves into a corner. However they didn't wait until the paint dried so their foot prints are clearly seen. The WT's solution......... keep the door closed.
Other weasel doctrines are the Ban on Blood and Armageddon....both contribute to making the JW's a death Cult. Yo!
Jehovah is a Latin approximation of Yahweh. Not a big deal however not having the original name renders being a witness for Jehovah and proclaiming his name sort of like putting the cart in front of the horse. Yo!
Being a witness for Jehovah is mentioned once in the book of Isaiah. I guess that wasn't a big deal back then. Yo!
Being a witness of Jesus / Yeshua however was mentioned over 20 times in the NT and makes more sense witness wise as that was the duty of the early Christians. By the way Yeshua is a name which means ‘Salvation’ in Hebrew. I find that kind of sweet.
Jehovah means... "I Yam What I Yam & Dats What I Yam! Sorry I think that was Popeye's thing.
One final thought: Thus, the tribe of Levi, to which Moses belonged, probably knew the name Yahweh, which originally may have been (in its short form Yo, Yah, or Yahu) a religious invocation of no precise meaning evoked by the mysterious and awesome splendour of the manifestation of the holy.
So let me get this straight all those gang bangers and rappers are really praising Jehovah/Yahweh when they say "Yo!"?
I've got to edit this.
Oh PE, I applaud your efforts on that apologist forum!
I don't know how you manage to keep your dignity?
Maybe you can start another thread that goes something like this (a tongue in cheek sarcastic post that they will think is sincere):
"I was just pondering today how privileged we are to have the direction of the Faithful and Discreet Slave. Without them we would be lost in these dark last days. I'm ever so thankful to Jehovah for their ever truthful and honest approach to biblical research and organisational arrangements. What things are you thankful and proud of them for?"
I really would love to see how they handle this!
stan livedeath
hang on--is this pro jw site GB approved ?
do the moderators give their real names ?
Shawnster seemed to have a pretty good answer. It made the most sense. However, I'm not really convinced it is what the governing body really said. Is it really ok to remove the word overlapping? Either Shawnster is giving a wrong explanation or the governing body is really terrible at explaining their own doctrine.
I can't visit that site.
It gives me a headache.
If you want to go out in a blaze of glory post the cover of the 1984 watchtower of the 1914 generation that did pass away!