The explanation of generation is so simple. Why do you people make it harder than it has to be?
I Got Another Telling Off On JWTalk
by pale.emperor 94 Replies latest members private
The explanation of generation is so simple. Why do you people make it harder than it has to be?
And yet you never even thought of it until David Splaine told you to believe it.
Please, enlighten us. Explain it in your own words WITH scriptures.
The explanation of generation is so simple. - JTrott
I clearly remember the day of the funeral of my great-grandfather.
He was part of the generation that saw the Boer War in 1899.
Our lives overlapped.
Therefore, according to your 'simple' explanation I am of the Boer War generation, and his generation has not yet passed away, even though he would be well over 130 if he was still alive.
Trotigy- do tell us your simple explanation? Not all of us are intellectual giants.
JTrottigy, when I was an active jw in the 1980's this seemed to be the thinking at the time of the 1914 doctrine that was meant to be accepted as truth and any vocal disagreement of it would find you disfellowshiped on the grounds of apostasy, I believe some years the doctrine changed to include some sort of overlapping generation, it did make me rather confused, perhaps you can explain to me the reason behind the change?
Like all of the many previous JW apologists who have come and gone, Trottigy came here thinking he was prepared to take on the X-JW mentally diseased apostates with his vast Bible knowledge & reasoning. But he slithers away silently (in the safety of the night) with his tail between his legs, his ass whipped, and his nose bloodied.
Come back when you can handle the truth about The Truth!
The explanation of generation is so simple. Why do you people make it harder than it has to be?— JTrottigy
Errr.. in my generation a “generation” was...well...a...generation.
jtrottigy.If the explanation of the generation is so simple how come it didnt come along till after the generation that saw 1914 had passed away??.
New light i hear you say........well why didnt it come along alot earlier??
I have a good explanation: the overlapping generations overlap until they can't anymore. There's absolutely no way to know when these generations will stop overlapping. They keep going, and going, and going.....
I still remember my great grandmother and she was a preteen in 1914. Our generations overlapped. Now I have kids so our generations are overlapping.
Seriously, I can't make this stuff up. Who falls for this BS?