Men and Women are SOOOOO different....

by LDH 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • LDH

    Men and women are different. I was watching the Deutsche Bank Open Golf tournament with my hubby on Saturday. Tiger Woods was playing. I had watched for like one half hour, and the hair on the nape of his neck was really getting to me. (You KNOW I have a messy-hair hang up, lol)

    I said, "My God, Tiger needs to get trimmed up!" My husband busts out laughing with how 'he was just thinking about how phenomenal he is'....

    But he said I was right, he need need 'trimmed up.' He just never saw it.

    Feel free to add your own anecdotes. Should be a funny thread.

  • bigboi

    Yeah you're right. Chicks are always detailing and nitpicking. Who cares whether or not the guy's hair is trimmed? He's the best golf player in the world, maybe in the history of the game. Why is his hair so important? I mean he also got like 2 million dollars just to show up and play at this particular event. So why would he worry about the hair?

    Women? I dunno. Also how come women always manage to smell so good? How can they always keep their bedrooms so neat and organized? Then on top of that come to my house and organize my room so that it fits me when I can't ever seem to do it and I live here? I dunno.

    Just asking. Anybody got a clue?



    "..... anyone who ignores everyday reality in order to live up to an ideal will soon discover he had been taught how to destroy himself, not how to preserve himself." The Prince. Niccolo Machiavelli.

  • willy_think

    as we developed socially the traditional role for a man was to make and keep an area around the village safe and to do everything necessary outside this area. women on the other hand, did everything inside the safe zone. thay make the culture work and are the caregivers.

    here is a look at how it might work today


    daughter: dad and mom i'm pregnant.

    mom: oh, what will the neighbors say?

    dad: well, i can call the insurance company and make sure the baby will be covered.

    the mather's concern is social.
    the farther's concers is providing

    men and women aren't that hard to understand if you know there perspectives and what men/women are trying to accomplish.

    the ideas and opinions expressed in this post do not necessiarly represent those of the WTB&TS inc. or any of it's subsidiary corporations.
  • Fredhall

    You are right LDH, they are different. Thank God he made them that way.

  • LDH


    That is EXACTLY what my husband said! "You know how much he got for even showing up?"


    Give me a good hair day over a paycheck anyday.

  • logical

    of course men and women are different.

    Men have a penis, women dont.

    Women have breasts, most men dont (except those really muscular or fat blokes on TV who have bigger breasts than some women)

    Women bear children, men just help make them (there is a God)

    Women may have a larger brain, but men have a larger IQ

    I best stop here before I end up dead

  • RedhorseWoman

    Logical, should have stopped one sentence sooner. As a matter of fact, men's brains are slightly heavier than women's (guess that the area dealing with sex is WAY overdeveloped). IQ has nothing to do with sex.

    Men are single-threaded....women multi-task.

  • larc

    hey Red,

    I didn't care for that last one: men -single threaded, women multi-task. How about if I called it: men - single minded, goal directed. women - scatter brained. Same concept different words.

  • bigboi

    OK Ok here's a good one.

    Why is it that women always complain they don't get enough help from their men, then when we try to help they belittle they way we do the shit, and end up going over what we did or doing it themselves any way . Why are y'all like that ladies?

    "..... anyone who ignores everyday reality in order to live up to an ideal will soon discover he had been taught how to destroy himself, not how to preserve himself." The Prince. Niccolo Machiavelli.

  • LDH


    Did you know that what you mentioned is the number one reason men aren't more involved in the care of their children?

    Their wives hover over them and bitch and moan.

    The real issue is:
    That's the reason children have two parents. They are not mirror images of each other. Mom may molly coddle when junior falls, Dad may say "Sorry. Get up and go on."
    In this way children can learn about life from two different human beings.

    I'm really sick of hearing women bitch about their husbands 'never taking care of the children' when every time they put forth the effort they are shot down.

    It doesn't help that social conditioning teaches us that women are 'better at nurturing.' While true, men are better at other things.

    Children need the input of both sets of parents.

    I had a hard time with this when I married Jerry because I had been a single parent for 5+ years. Try letting 'someone else' dictate what goes. I am so glad we share a balance of power. He disciplines and teaches her in his own way. And while it's not my way, it's good for her to learn from both of us.

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