I said, "My God, Tiger needs to get trimmed up!" My husband busts out laughing with how 'he was just thinking about how phenomenal he is'....
*snicker* Well, this makes a pretty fine example of why I don't think I'll ever understand straight women, and why most of my friends 've been guys. I remember a time when I was about 12, maybe 13, and my family went on a trip to St. Louis to visit some relatives. One of those relatives was a distant cousin named Stephanie. Our visit went something like this:
Stephanie: ::squeals and hugs Rochelle tightly::
Rochelle: ::looks confused and hugs back, but sees no point in squealing. Conversation ensuses and goes on for awhile, until it arrives at....::
Stephanie: So, what do you like to do for fun?
Rochelle: I dunno.... Play video games, draw, watch wrestling, I guess. And I LOVE the Ninja Turtles.
Stephanie: ::frowns:: Don't you like to do any girl things?
Rochelle: Like what?
Stephanie: Well, like shopping, or talk about boys.
Rochelle: ::thinks a minute; decides that most "girl things" seem to be silly and/or dull:: Guess not.
So goes the story of my life.
*Rochelle, quite happily female, but never that much of a "girl."
"Most men complacently accept 'knowledge' as 'truth'. They are sheep, ruled by fear."
-- Sydney Losstarot, "Vagrant Story."