What does the rise of Donald Trump tell us about the USA?
by fulltimestudent 52 Replies latest social current
It tells us that American politics is in a seriously bad way ... -
What USA needs is a leader with vision
And who the hell might that be, may I ask?
Did any of the Motley Crew who was seeking the nomination appear to have any real vision.
The overwhelming choice in the upcoming election, if it were a choice, would be:
[ X ] None of the Above
My Name is of No Consequence
What does the rise of Donald Trump tell us about the USA?
It tells me that Americans are desperate for change. Instead of electing a politician, why not elect a billionaire who doesn't need anyone's money and who is not afraid to tell it like it is?
A voice in the back of my mind is telling me that this will not work either.
Choosing a candidate to vote for (in america) is like picking which gun you want to be shot with.
I think the simplest explanation is trump knows his customers, and is selling them what they want to buy, and there happens to be a lot of them. I honestly in my gut don't feel even he believes half the crap he says. He wants the TV watchers and he is giving them one hell of a TV show.
I don't understand how people stomach reality TV crappola so I don't think I could really understand why people would vote for Trump. Maybe they want a little chaos to mix things up. to "watch the show".
Look at mississippi, the fattest, most uneducated state and they voted for a law to protect themselves from gay people... you can't control what people are willing to buy
Answer = That America really loves and respects its reality TV celebrities.
Why would anyone put their faith behind a unscrupulous rich businessman, with an uncontrolled narcissistic ego of himself because of being a rich and powerful businessmen, with no experience whatsoever in public governing office. ???
Doubtfully Yours
Lots of extremely dumb, racist, xenophobes, angry, crazy people walking among us!
And now they want to bring in their guns to the RC. It might not be a bad idea to have them kill each other after all. Hmmmmm......đ¤
Excellent article from what I had a chance to read. I will read in its entirety after work.Yes, authoritarian type personalities do tend to lean right, and will lean hard right when they perceive a threat. This is almost entirely related to personality types in the scientific sense of their definition. To spell it out, guardian types on the extreme level, generally translate into authoritarians when placed under perceived threats. These are generally extreme xSxJ types, according to MBTI, (not all xSxJ types).
Yes, Trump is a symptom of a much bigger problem that has been iteratively growing in the GOP since Nixon, (or more correctly, Goldwater). Read Nixon, (strong anti-communist); Reagan, (stronger anti-communist still and brought the religious right into his politics); Newt Gingrich, (converted an entire legislative arm into religious right authoritarians); George W. Bush, (tried to go to war with anything and everything he perceived as a threat); the Tea Party, (all government is out to get you); and finally Trump, (everything about established systems threatens our existence).
I do disagree with the thesis thus far though that this is going to be a perpetual problem. I only disagree on the basis that this problem has evolved as a product of a positive feedback loop that has already destabilized the GOP. The GOP is done, (at least in anything resembling its current form). The positive feedback loop already destabilized it, and now it is time to hit the reset button. This won't continue very long. Social evolution will kill this meme off.
What does the rise of Donald Trump tell us about the USA?
Americans love American TV Celebrities..
Millions of Americans watched Donald Trump on The Apprentice..
After careful Consideration of those Undeniable Facts..
.................Many Americans Think..
.......Donald Trump Should Be President..
I get all my news from the Onion
Trump Catches Self Briefly Believing Own Campaign RhetoricâWhoa, That Was Scary For A Second There,â Says CandidateNEWS IN BRIEFApril 7, 2016VOL 52 ISSUE 13 Politics ¡ Politicians ¡ Election 2016 ¡ Donald TrumpBETHPAGE, NYâAdmitting that he was overcome with terror after realizing what he had done, Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump told reporters he caught himself briefly believing his own campaign rhetoric during a rally Wednesday night. âOh, Jesus, for a few seconds there I actually found myself agreeing on a deep, personal level with the things I was sayingâwhat the hell was I thinking?â said the shaken GOP frontrunner, recalling with horror that, right in the middle of his speech, he started to readily accept his vows that he would unite the country, force Mexico to finance the construction of a border wall, and eradicate ISIS. âWow, Iâm not sure how I started buying into that load of bullshit about other countries starting to respect the U.S. if I become president. Thatâs just so clearly ridiculous. Iâve got to be on my toes a little more and make sure this never happens again.â Trump also reportedly expressed serious concern that many of his supporters appeared to believe him when he said he would act more presidential if elected.