What does the rise of Donald Trump tell us about the USA?

by fulltimestudent 52 Replies latest social current

  • EndofMysteries

    In line w/ Terry's post, look at this one by the nice BLM people.


    “Young niggas such as myself are fully hell bent on inciting riots,” and Donald Trump’s election in November would mean there “aint no more rules,” say messages on Twitter to “white people,” from Tef Poe, a noted pro-Palestinian rap-artist and Black Lives Matter activist.

    If Trump wins, they say they'll incite riots everywhere,etc. They say they've been too nice. This is what happens when liberals allow things like the BLM lie that blacks are systematically oppressed to go on, and that dumb politically correct notion. Their problems are not due to having 75% no fathers in the family, not due to the culture of attacking and shunning those who want to do good in school as being 'too white', not due to attacking and being aggressive to police, not due to committing more than 50% of crime though being 10% of population, not due to no snitching and letting crime run rampant. Nope, it's all due to systematic racism. Bernie wants to give them all free room and board for college. Restore voting to those who have felony records. Give them minimum $15 an hour +. It'll come down to either GIVE them everything or they threaten to riot and start race war.

  • prologos

    Simon: " Hitler hadn't killed anyone when he was making promises to be elected and wasn't promising to kill anyone (unlike Trump who seems to like the idea) I am not too sure about that, I never read Mein Krampf, written in the 20s, but did the book not spell out his racial policies, and Trumpf, did he not say he could kill and still be elected?

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  • freemindfade

    Trump is on TV all the time, all Americans are Trump

  • Ruby456

    too much positive thinking is bad for you

    had a little time this morning to read some of the links from your link - fulltimestudent and the above is what I found

    Bright-sided: How the Relentless Promotion of Positive Thinking Has Undermined America.

  • Ruby456

    freemindfade the problem is that there is a large constituency in the US that feels the way Trump does.

    Europe has a similar problem. Islamic countries too

  • freemindfade

    Why are people are more afraid of the trumpster holding office than criticizing Islam. Not of Islam. Just criticizing Islam.

    Trump may be a knuckle head but I don't understand how you can compare someone who thinks a Mexican wall is a good idea to a much larger world constituency that subscribes to sharia law. There is no denying trump isn't the nicest guy in the world, but do any of you know the practices of sharia law???? How do you realistically logically compare the two?

    As usual I think the internet virtual flag flyers on here swing so far with extreme.

    If you follow the hype

    Trump is Hitler

    Bernie is a communist

    Hillary is Hitler and a communist

    Lol. If what you are saying is true ruby why are you afraid of trump??? Shouldn't you be afraid of Americans like everyone else on here??? Sounds to me your issue is with scary Americans. Maybe the UK should take over so we can be ruled by the queen and the dangerous rebel rousing Americans can be suppressed.

  • Ruby456

    freemindfade please don't conflate things

    right wing extremism is in part fed by unfulfilled expectations and this is happening all over the world. If we take each manifestation case by case then one can hope to find out whether the expectations are a result of having to get used to a lower standard of living. peeps may be comparing their expected standard of living to what they had in the past - this is bound to cause anger because egalitarianism means that the despised others are now slightly higher up the scale even they are quite a way behind one.

    But still I think that those who following are trump are doing the right thing - giving vent to their grievances via their votes rather than via violence. Still what the research seems to be examining is why so many are supporting trump and his authoritarianism

  • freemindfade

    I think trump is an undercover democrat landmine planted to gaurantee hillary wins lol.


  • Ruby456
    yes I was thinking the very same thing
  • BizzyBee

    The short explanation of Trump is that many Americans have bought into the erroneous belief that a country should be run like a business, even though,

    "not everything that is profitable is of social value and not everything of social value is profitable."

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