I know this recent video has been talked about already but I just watched it and here are a few things that got me annoyed as usual:
Splane says that if a Bible Student says he saw some negative information from apostates and asks us to explain it, we shouldn't look at it or address anything specifically, but instead we should tell them to go to meetings and hear what we have to say about ourselves and also tell them to befriend people at the Hall. For any person with integrity and/or intelligence, this is NOT a satisfactory answer. But for the JWs this is good I guess, because it weeds out the troublesome thinkers, and if they actually agree with it they'd probably make a good JW.
After that he says that anyone who believes all information from a source is "naive", but naturally he doesn't make that application to information coming from JW sources.
Then he brings up the hypothetical situation of an organization that has lawsuits against them and settles out of court. (It's obvious he's talking about the Watch Tower society's numerous settled child abuse cases.) He then says that settling out of court doesn't necessarily mean you're guilty, and then asserts that if it went to trial they wouldn't get a fair trial anyway.
Finally he completely twists a scripture to say the opposite. The scripture in question says, "Does not the ear test out words as the tongue tastes food?" - This obviously means that you can tell whether an argument is good or bad by listening to it, and it stands or falls on it's own merit. However he then says it means something else. He says we don't have to taste poison to know that it's bad. His 'logic' is that apostates have nothing to say but poison > therefore, what they say doesn't have to be tested and can be rejected outright without listening and testing first.