The world would be a much worse place without them,so yes ,overall I do support them.
Generally Speaking Do You Support The Police?
by minimus 82 Replies latest jw friends
Simon you're coming off as an emasculated, scared, angry white male. The only thing you know about black people is what you see or read in the media. Ironically it's white liberals in the media who coined phrases like "white privelege" etc. I don't know any black person who has been to a black lives matter rally. White SJW liberals are more offended by alleged racism and words than black people are. But the liberal media, who i actually despise, does a good job of riling you up and exposing your closeted racism. You assume I'm a Democrat, I'm not. They're a joke. You assume i was on my phone at night. I wasn't. But i see you're from the UK and you don't have the same concept of constitutional rights we Americans have. Our rights are not bestowed upon us due to the benevolence of the government. Rather we are born with them, they are inalienable. I can own a gun. I can speak freely without being arrested. I am also free from illegal search and seizure. You sound like you would willingly allow the government to read your mail and listen to your conversations. They could even search your house without warrant, because you're not doing anything wrong so it's no big deal. Sorry I don't go for that. I hope you're not one of those contradictory folks who rail against government control, while at the same time willingly ceding your civil liberties. The police have no right to detain citizens just because of their skin color. Not only is it illegal, based on numerous court rulings, its also racist. Again white men are more likely to do random mass murders so maybe we should take away their guns. White men also molest kids. Lets ban them from schools and boy scouts. Profiling is not cool. You can't stand for freedom and approve of profiling.
Generally Speaking Do You Support The Police?
I can only talk about British police. I have Police in my close family. I know a few of their underhanded tricks. A drinking partner of mine is a copper.
I have to say as an organisation, I don't trust the Police force. But then, that pretty much reflects my view of society in general. People feathering their own nests through lies, manipulation and idiocy.
The Police are after all just people. I'm not sure if this is a bit of a conspiracy theory, but I am of the impression that the force is changing from public servants to corporate soldiers.
I think that by and large the British police aren't gung-ho like you read they are in some places. But then, I don't take much notice of the lefty media.
As for 'support'; I am law abiding if that's what you mean by 'support'. Otherwise I don't give them money or go around feeding them.......probably buy a pint for my pal and prezzies for the fam..
I DO wonder though, how much of my mistrust for authority, comes from Jobo brainwashing.....there are some things you can't unlearn from childhood.
I remember my sister wanted to be a copper but wasn't allowed to because the cult narrative was that the police would be used to persecute us as Jobos!
As for "minority and black privelege" who are the ones creating the laws that give minorities this alleged privilege? Oh yeah, white people. But instead of being mad at the white people who made the laws you're mad at minorities and black people. Btw I'm against affirmative action and quotas. There is definitely still racism in hiring, but it's my belief these programs do more harm than good. I graduated and obtained my licenses without having anything dumbed down. I also don't understand why you can't admit that racism is still a big problem. If i can acknowledge faults in my community why can't you be honest about the numerous studies that show that there is a racial bias in crimminal justice? Do i need to show you links?
The Fall Guy
After being a victim of a police set-up, arrested, and jailed for one night many years ago, I began to view the police as being worse than criminals, because they were using their uniform & position to get away with carrying out illegal acts. Thankfully, the court stated that it was deeply concerned with the prosecution's case and found in my favour.
The fact that there are scumbags everywhere is bad enough, but when criminals are protected from prosecution because they are police officers, they are worthy of heavier penalties if found guilty.
The following is the type of behaviour which turns people off the police -
Another thing about body cams...yes peoples frivolous claims have been debunked, but also police have changed their behavior knowing that they can't hide behind false reports or have their buddies cover for them. Within the last month an officer in Texas was fired and charged with murder thanks to body cam footage. He shot and killed a black woman while doing what was supposed to be a welfare check up. At least we csn agree that body cams csn make us safer. It works both ways.
These political topics are pointless on this blog.
Simon, are then not better suited to a different blog?
A li'l bit o' nostalgia...
In the past, I have lived in an area that did not have any law enforcement what so ever. Most of the time things were ok, but when things were bad there was no one to help. Ended up having to move just to get away from the situation. If someone was murdered, those victims went without any justice. The location I'm talking about is not some backwater country, but here in the United States.
This is one of those threads, isn't it.
Although I live in the UK and therefore can't speak for America, it makes me think I should avoid ever visiting America. It sounds like the most racist, disgusting place in the known universe. I'm sure it's based in a lot of 'fake lefty news'.
Mind you, the Jobos originated there. Automatic bad mark.
I think I'll stick to visiting Canada instead. At least they're polite there and the streets are clean.