Saying black people are genetically predisposed to violence and low IQ is flat out racist sir. Attributing traits to someone's race is the definition of racism. I'd never say white people are predisposed to be evil oppressive racists. He's a racist and his posting history shows.
Generally Speaking Do You Support The Police?
by minimus 82 Replies latest jw friends
Hey Simon how about some reading comprehension. The time i was stopped in front of my house and the time i was pulled over were separate occurences.
You should learn to write better because that wasn't clear. All you would need to do is say "no, being on the phone and being late at night were two separate occasions".
Ok Simon you obviously are a sad white man who hates black people.
That sounds like, oh noes, being called racist! You know no one cares anymore, right? The card's been overplayed. Good effort though!
I hate people who are stupid, whatever color they happen to be. I'm pretty sure that you sound far more hateful and racist than I do.
You absolutely refuse to believe facts and twist arguments. I've been detained 3x without ever comitting a crime. 88% of people stoppped by stop and frisk were innocent and had their time wasted. You refuse to believe that there is still racism and injustice. You think so little of black people that you can't believe we're nuanced enough to know the difference between reasonable policing and biased policing.
Where have I said that racism doesn't exist? It exists on both sides, there's probably as much if not more racism from blacks towards whites - there are certainly more white victims of black crime than vice-versa. That's why there are more black people incarcerated.
I know exactly the sort of person you are, you're one of those who believed Trayvon was innocent purely because he was black. You can't be objective because your views are driven by what color people are. You see everything through a pair of racism spectacles and because you judge everyone based on race, you think everyone else does too.
You believe that everything that happens to you is always because of your color, instead of what you do and choices you make.
Personally, I think a 12% 'hit rate' with stop and frisk makes it well worth doing. Like if you stop 100 people, and 12 of them are carrying weapons or drugs, you should be stopping more. Every one you catch is potentially saving someone from being a victim - I care more about those than the sensitivities of the people being stopped.
Now since you want to complain about black people do I need to remind you that white people have killed more people in the last few hundred years than anyone else? Greedy white men have almost tanked the financial system via fraud. White people led the largest organized crime organizations in the United States. White people committed the holocaust. White people call black people lazy while relying on slave labor. Black people died in every American war, even though white people wouldn't let them stay in the same barracks. White people stole land from the natives all over the Americas and in other parts of the world and killed them. Less than 70 years ago White men lynched black people and bombed churches and escaped prosecution. Europe was the theater for the most brutal wars in modern history. To me it sounds like white people are the scourge of the planet. But since I'm not a bigot like you, I don't live my life dwelling on it and being angry. Ive seen your old posts. You're a pathetic insecure man. Ironically in my experience the biggest racists are the least intelligent people. Thankfully most people I know personally are intelligent and i enjoy having friends of all races and cultures.
This is exactly the sort of scatter-gun, lack of coherent argument I was describing earlier. You're all over the place and if you think you're not driven by resentment, I have a bridge to sell you.
Yes, one of the few positives of low IQs groups is that while they are dangerous at a local level, cause social issues with crime and can certainly commit genocide, it tends to be very much "hands on" (machette and guns) rather than the industrialized violence that requires large scale organization and invention. Sadly the Europe of the 20th century was great at that with amazing technological advancements, although they were not the biggest mass killers (you need to look to China for that).
The financial meltdown was actually caused by short-sighted government sponsored racism - forcing banks to lend to minorities who lacked the credit history and scores to warrant it. They defaulted in large numbers which wasn't good for them, and the debts were repackaged and (mis)sold on, causing mass losses and liquidity issues in the banking system. When governments pass laws involving race, bad things tend to happen.
I'm pretty sure we haven't relied on slave labor for quite some time but even then, it was only a few who did (to their own detriment economically) and if you bothered to learn some history you'd find out that white people were the last to become involved in the slave trade, treated slaves better than any other destination and ended the practice, the abolitionist movement starting almost as soon as slavery did. Slavery had existed for thousands of years before white people became involved and then we ended it, the only ones to do so. You owe a debt of gratitude to all the white people who fought and died to make that happen, you ungrateful piece of shit. Slavery still exists today, often in black countries. Go figure.
No one is denying that there have been some injustices in history and terrible treatment of different groups. All groups have suffered at different times. No one has a monopoly on virtue or victimhood. If all you can do is be resentful and angry then you'll wallow in victimhood and never progress. Victors move on and forward instead.
Saying that white people are the scourge of the earth makes it sound like you are the racist bigot.
Saying black people are genetically predisposed to violence and low IQ is flat out racist sir. Attributing traits to someone's race is the definition of racism.
Yes, it would be, which is why it's not what I said. You seem to lack the cognitive ability to read and understand the distinction so I'll try to make it simpler for you.
It's correct and easily proven statistically that men tend to be taller than women. That is very different to saying that someone must be tall or short simply by virtue of being a man or a women. The group characteristic is meaningless as a measure of any one individual.
The same happens with IQ - the distribution between men and women is different. Men tend to have a wider distribution curve - more genius, but more idiots too. Again, while we can talk about group characteristics it doesn't mean we can use that as a measure for any one individual beyond a very rough probability rating. You can't measure anyones IQ by checking their genitals.
Likewise with different racial groups, there are differences in IQ between them - asians score higher than whites, Ashkenazi jews highest of all.
But again, it doesn't mean that anyone can be judged or determined to be smart of dumb because of their color, anymore than a man or women could be judged smart or dumb because of their gender, anymore than anyone can be judged tall or short other than measuring them personally.
When I talk about group characteristics, it's a statistical measure of the group. It does not imply any judgement on any individual in that group. What it does is explain how the group as a whole tends to behave - what things they may excel in and what things they don't, things where IQ is a correlating factor and crime is one of those.
So saying that there are higher rates of crime in black communities is no more racist than Ashkenazi Jews excelling in intellectual fields. They are both group measures. It doesn't mean there aren't criminal idiot jews, or smart law abiding black people, it's just a distribution curve.
There's also a cultural aspect to things, it's hard to know where the focus on academic achievement is a result of higher IQ or something cultural that acts as a further amplifier, but "some" cultures seem to see education and advancement as definitely less valuable than others and that again will play out in group characteristics in terms of people's life outcomes.
You seem to take any mention of "black people" as a group to be a personal judgement on you.
I'd never say white people are predisposed to be evil oppressive racists.
Immediately followed by "white people are the scourge of the planet"
He's a racist and his posting history shows.
You'll struggle to show it, because I'm not, which is why you instead just make the empty claim. You can fuck off pal, you have nothing of value to add to any discussion and I suspect you're a repeat offender.
If you give people with little education a gun and the authority to detain and cage people it’s a recipe for corruption. These politicians soldiers are a stain on the planet. They are a extortion apparatus for the elite. 20%of crime is victimless , so 1/5 of their non eating donut time is immoral. We don’t hear the saying fuck the firefighters , no because they respect their community.
i live in a country which some would consider free, but when you scratch below the surface government authority is nothing but shameful. We have a $340 fine for not wearing a push bike helmet, speed camera’s set with a 2 mile hour tolerance so 2 over is $200, 7 mile over $380.
Police have their place for theft and unasked for violence , but apart from that fuck the police.
20% of crime is victimless
Can you give us a list of victimless crimes?
We have a $340 fine for not wearing a push bike helmet, speed camera’s set with a 2 mile hour tolerance so 2 over is $200, 7 mile over $380
People are stupid. Even though things like wearing helmets and seatbelts is better for them individually, for some strange reason they need to be coerced to do it. It's not just them that gets hurt - it's the cost to emergency services, as well as inconvenience when accidents happen.
Speeding fines can be cash-cows and contrived, but again they also can be important for saving lives, cost to emergency services, even improving traffic flow and preventing long delays. It's usually a personal choice to pay them.
Simon prostitution has no victim, gambling has no victim, substance abuse has no victim.
Simon when speed cameras in Victoria Australia have a 3km tolerance which is as thick as the needle on the dash it is nothing but thievery
prostitution has no victim
Tell that to all the trafficked girls
gambling has no victim
Tell that to people who lost their homes because of gambling addition or who would just do better in life if they weren't wasting money looking for a shortcut. Some casinos are also heavily involved in money laundering operations, facilitating drugs, prostitution and human trafficking.
substance abuse has no victim
Well, there's the ones that die. Also the crimes they commit to feed their habit. There's also the huge financial cost to society in terms of policing and medical care that we all ultimately pay for.
But sure "victimless". Sheesh.
The adults who participate in this conduct is on a voluntary basis.
1930 alcohol was illegal in US . 300 police died that year trying to enforce a drinking ban . Make anything illegal and violence will follow.