you said: I sincerely would accept evolution if I could see evidence of it, but I don't.
I for one don’t doubt your sincerity, however being sincere and being correct are not necessarily one and the same. Did you know that a good number of people believe that you can catch a common cold by getting chilled, going out in the cold damp weather, or by a sudden change in temperature etc? Maybe you believe this yourself. On the surface all this seems perfectly reasonable, people do seem to get more colds during the winter months then during the warmer weather, yes that is indeed a fact. The very name “cold” even implies a relationship with weather, temperature, and this common illness. In reality there are several specific reasons why people get more colds during the winter months, but very last on the list of causes is the weather.
No I’m not going to go into a detailed explanation of common cold propagation with respect to weather conditions, however if you are among the millions upon millions of normal reasonably intelligent people that believe this (as I was raised to believe), or know others that have this belief, please do yourself a favor and avail yourself of the scientific data that support other causes of people getting more colds in the winter time other then the cold weather itself.
If after examining this for yourself you are able to see how this evidence puts to rest this popular myth or even rid your own thinking of this myth, then you are ready to start examining the mountains of evidence supporting evolution.
I don’t suggest you start with the really deep stuff, or some very ancient fossilized remains, as this often takes a large amount of prerequisite knowledge before understanding can take place. My suggestion is simply this:
Find out why doctors today insist that when you are taking a regimen of antibiotics that you completely finish the full prescription even if you no longer suffer from the malady that the antibiotics were treating.
There is an important reason for this. The reason is to prevent the bacteria from evolving into a new antibiotic resistant strain. When the light goes on, and it will if you are truly as sincere as you seem to be, then suddenly it will hit you.
At this point you will realize that evolution is not some abstract idea about a bunch of fossilized old bones, it is in fact a life and death reality to the medical community. Treatment regimens are being based on the predictable outcomes stemming from the scientific fact of evolution and what doctors know about it.
And after you take this step, then perhaps you will be able to take the next step. It is never easy to leave our comfort zone is it? That is why people stay in jobs that don’t match their true abilities, they get lazy, and they get too darn comfortable. Don’t be lazy, don’t be comfortable, explore! Become informed, and conform your views to fit the facts, not the other way around.
With all sincerity,