For those who are trying to reduce the future growth of the cult and
shrink it now, publicizing the misogyny is an effective tool. It is also
important for the personal growth of ex-cultists.
It would be a shame to allow external debates to drown out this important cult issue.
I couldn't agree more, rebel8. Feminist philosophy shouldn't be confused with popular notions of feminism. I've found the views of knowledgeable scholars like Martha Nussbaum, for example, to be very reasonable and moderate compared to the media figures commonly associated with feminism.
I still think what the OP proposes is probably a stepping-stone to a reductionist viewpoint and there are two reasons why I say this:
The JW faith itself is an anomalous piece of the gender relations puzzle. It is miserably patriarchal and yet strongly (>60% according to PEW) female. On the surface, it does appear to be attracting a certain personality type and filling a need. (Whatever that may be.) As much as I admire and respect the late Barbara Grizzuti Harrison and enjoyed reading her take on the relationship between C.T. & Maria Russell, I'm not sure if this phenomenon is explainable in terms of the patriarchal origins of the faith. Times have changed and JW females, especially single women, and most especially, JW women with unbelieving husbands have far more options than Maria Russell ever did. Whatever it is that attracts and holds women in the JW faith today does not appear to be the constraint of patriarchy.
The concept of male privilege is very valid and real, but I do not think the JW's are a particularly good example of it. They appear to be equal opportunity abusers and the so-called 'privileges' of JW males are often anything but enjoyable. Being torn into little pieces by a CO behind closed doors in terms just short of profanity cannot possibly be pleasant and is a side of the JW faith that women appear to be insulated from to some degree. (Judging by the sheer number of active JW females willing to argue over whether this actually happens.) A JW male can opt out of this system by not "reaching out," but then he must contend with the social stigma. (e.g. The steady stream of hot, steaming guilt, implication that he's a failure, etc.)
Again, I'm not dismissing feminist philosophy or feminism itself, I'm just pointing out that the JW's appear to be neither fish nor fowl as the saying goes.