My two cents:
If there is one thing humans like to do, it is to compartmentalize. When we get to the borders of silos, whether they are personal borders between classifiers or whether they are imposed by civilization, things tend to get fuzzy for a while, that is until a new intermediary silo can be constructed (if that intermediary turns out to be important).
Let me explain what I mean: Chemistry can be reduced to Physics. However explaining chemical reactions in terms of physics becomes not only a laborious task, but becomes so complicated that except for a bunch of crazy quantum chemists, chemical reactions are not generally described in those terms. Rather the emergent properties of chemical elements and their molecules are used to make rules that generally hold true, for example: Acid + Base --> Water + Salt. This simplifies the work of chemists considerably. Just as Chemistry is Physics, so Biology is actually Chemistry. In Nature these borders between disciplines do not exist, but in our minds and civilizations we compartmentalize these things into silos for sanity's sake.
Evolution is an emergent property of Chemistry, very particular Chemistry under very specific conditions. To me the statement 'Abiogenesis is not evolution' is moot. The emergent property of the evolutionary algorithm starts running the moment specific criteria is met. When a molecule can self replicate and the copy process code itself can be altered by itself, then the evolutionary process starts up.
Is this my own discovery? No. This is covered in a new silo christened: Systems chemistry - The chemistry of self replicating molecules.
Footnote: At its basic level I am to understand that this universe is discrete. However everything from there onwards seems to exist in a continuum due to the overwhelming quantity of these discrete interactions.