It's caused 100% by the democrats. It's always the democrats. It's what they do.
What is Causing This Sudden Increase in Crime / Racial Tension???
by RubaDub 57 Replies latest jw friends
Gov't employees nor politicians are expected to work for free -- (that's hilarious!) but how about politicians work and conduct themselves in a fiscally responsible manner on behalf of those they represent. Quite a dichotomy of net worth entering vs. leaving office. Taxpayers paying for all the fraud the politicians (criminal mob/deep state both parties) scheme and create. I realize many are quite proud of these clowns and how they run roughshod over the people. It's radically wrong and I don't care how big of socialist country this is.
I prefer everyone have enough food and adequate housing/education/medical vs. making professional politicians wealthy. Actually, prefer that no matter. Why is it the left donates so minimally - there's quite a huge difference vs. the conservatives re/their generous hearts/charitable orgs. Under the Obama administration school children living on road in tents - fortunate ones living in cars -- families sharing one stuffed backpack from schools via donations - young ones crying on Friday afternoon when time to leave the playground. Yeah - I'll keep referring to the criminal politicians' wealth off the back of the taxpayers - if you don't like it too bad. When you are taxed to point and see the fraud, injustice, then you can complain.
Obama had much to be proud of - what a thug.
It starts at the top! tRump surrounded himself with criminals and bigots!
just saying!
This started 50 / 60 years ago. The “grievance” industry is applied postmodernism. It’s been feeding and snowballing over decades. The internet and social media threw gas on the fire. The Democrats decided to take up the mantle of social justice because they perceive it as a way to gain power.
Ultimately it is a denial of truth itself, a denial of objectivity.
It started with the left, continues on the left, and has its formal representation in the Democrat party.
It’s why we can have threads about leftists attempting to argue 2+2=4 is not objectively true. Truth is not objective. To them, knowledge is something that is created through language, all subjective.
Its why you have the The National Museum of African American History & Culture publishing this:
A definition of “whiteness”:
This is the source of the racial tension.
Leftists perceive it to be Trump only because he was politically successful in slowing it down.
Anna Marina
MeanMrMustard - I when I was thrown out of WTBS for insisting the number 3 was the number 3 and explained what I had endured to a friendly Christian from another denomination, he said to me that the Watchtower acted just like the UK Labour Party.
One of the points made in the video above: The current culture climate is exactly like a crazed religion. You can’t ask for evidence, and the “scholarly literature” is just self-referential.
The term “woke” is very close in meaning to “born again”. Leftist all over are embracing this mindset. It is a horrible cancer that has fomented so much division.
Question: When you were thrown out of the WT for insisting the number 3 meant 3, was in relation to the Trinity or other doctrine?
Again, the grievance IS the point. Not that the grievance is valid. The tension is the tool used:
Trump was ONLY SURROUNDED w/OBAMA BIGOTS/MAGOTS AND THUGS to start his administration - the lifer-leftovers of the criminal Obama team. Takes time to make determinations and oust the criminal mob left working for previous admin who did nothing for the country - a 24/7 job. President Trump has exceptional staff but clearly needs to carry on the 'you're fired' work. One who hires has to go through 100 (more like 1,000) humans today to get lucky and find one. The deep state needs to be cleaned out and surface hasn't been scratched.
Anna Marina
MeanMrMustard - yes the grievance is the point - if you haven't got one make one up. Forget 'turn the other cheek'. Even if you haven't been wronged, you gotta complain.
Haven't watch all the second video yet. Just part of it and it's reminding me about those who view poetry as real science. A poet, like a journalist, has license. But how does such a license tie up with maths, probability and evidence? The justification for poet license as science is 'I have experienced the truth in a way you cannot." So anyone who opposes the poet's beliefs is stone walled. Same with Watchtower.
I approached the Governing Body on the purely scientific matter of the number 3 actually being the number 3 and not the number 11. This was in relation to Dan 1:1, not the trinity.
On this special number 3 rests the authority of the Governing Body (ie 1914). And a special number 2 at Dan 2:1, supports 1914 as well. Their problem with number 2 is that it needs to be 20 and it isn't. Cause Jerusalem fell in the 19th year of Nebuchadnezzar and they depend on Dan 2:1 being the year that followed the 19th year of Nebuchadnezzar. Anyway they make it all up and use brilliant techniques to confuse everyone about something really simple. Then they tell them to wait on Jehovah - who didn't get anything wrong to sort out their rubbish.
Am making a video on it to explain it all - here's one of the frames from it. What Watchtower is doing is making out Dan 1:1 is actually 2 Kings 24:1. Well it isn't.