Dan Sydlik

by done4good 46 Replies latest jw friends

  • jookbeard
    I'd forgot about Sydlik sitting on Dunlaps JC and that contemptible comment that spewed from his mouth, really shitty behaviour, unacceptable.
  • stillin

    I enjoyed Sydlik's talks. Seemed like the real deal.

    An ex-Bethelite told me a story about being in an elevator itch Sydlik's and another brother. The brother started to tell my friend a Polock joke. Sydlik's interrupted, saying," you realize that I'm Polish?" The brother said "OK, I'll tell it more slowly."

    A good laugh was had by all.

  • steve2

    It's funny how hearing "just" one disturbing incident about someone can cancel out so many positive ones.

    Ray Franz's mentioned in Crisis of Conscience Dan Sydlik was on the committee that disfellowshipped Ed Dunlap and Sydlik's scathing putdown of Ed. That alone convinces me Sydlik was no closet apostate.

    It has since colored everything I've heard about the man.

  • Hecce

    Never met the man personally.

    He had relatives in the area and during his visits a few of the friends had dealings with him. They always spoke of him as a regular and normal guy.

  • Vidiot

    done4good - "I didn't want to derail OrphanCrow's thread..."

    Why not?

    How do you know she's not into that kind of thing? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

  • pontoon
    I knew Gangas in Murray Hill also. Never married, absolutely believed it all, always testing the kids with a question like "let me ask you, what is the sacred secret?" Sparky 1, check your messages, maybe we knew each other.
  • Pants of Righteousness
    Pants of Righteousness

    Tape recordings of Sydlik's talks were re-copied and spread throughout the world.

    I can remember in the late 80's / early 90's a recording where he talked excitedly about the 'bible code' found in the Torah. This was a method by which specific letters from the text can be selected to reveal an otherwise obscured message. He gave as an example a code for the names of trees found in Eden.

    He then speculated that as the code was further deciphered, it could reveal a message that JW's are the true religion. Of course when a GB member - particularly one with the delivery of Sydlik - speculates, the sheep get carried along.

    Can also remember him talking about rap music in relation to young people being reluctant to engage in preaching. Used an example of 5 year-olds being able to rap out songs. So ... if a 5 year-old can rap out songs, they should be able to rap-out a magazine presentation.

  • steve2

    Sydlik may have displayed kindness and an unassuming nature to some - and that's far better than some GB ever bothered to do.

    But bottomline:

    He lived and breathed an organization-mindedness that rendered him unable/unwilling to help his fellow believers who courageously endured getting chewed up and spat out as he either sat in judgement on or passively watched it happen.

    Sydlik was also in a position to try to breath fresh air into the organization - and spectacularly failed. Self preservation is a great disabler.

  • jookbeard
    they all went to their graves blood guilty, compliant in endemic child abuse that was covered up during their reigns, and contributed or stayed silent to such dreadful life changing policies the amount of insufferable pain and misery millions have endured words cant really convey.
  • GoneAwol

    I was an attendant at Newcastle district assembly one year. Sidlick and his family / hanger on- ers came to my section during lunch and demanded to have a whole row just for them to watch the public talk and drama. It was the best view. Sidlick was doing the talk. I refused to move bags and books. After another attendant sent me to lunch, i came back to see that 2 families had had their belongings moved to lost property. One family had a newborn with them.

    That family is now out because of that treatment. When they found out who had done it, the wife went home crying.

    I still see the young guy, he works in a well known electrical store in Stockton on Tees.

    Make of it what you will. People have dark sides etc. But you could tell that he had a disregard for the small people. He loved the adulation after he gave a talk, you should have seen the fawning over him when he came back ti his seat for the drama.

    There was nothing "spiritual" or "humble" about that little performance. It was all about him. A rock star pope.

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