Dan Sydlik

by done4good 46 Replies latest jw friends

  • WingCommander

    Thanks GoneAwol:

    Now just think, did Sydlak and his family's behaviour not "stumble" that young family out of the "the truth"? Surely, that makes them bloodguilty in Jehovah's eyes. If I were the husband, I would have went right to the row of assholes and promptly gave them all the finger, after telling them what for incredibly hateful wankers they all are.

    What an incredible story of so-called "Christian Love" from the fine "brothers and sisters". **GAG**

  • Diogenesister

    I can remember in the late 80's / early 90's a recording where he talked excitedly about the 'bible code' found in the Torah. This was a method by which specific letters from the text can be selected to reveal an otherwise obscured message. He gave as an example a code for the names of trees found in Eden.

    He then speculated that as the code was further deciphered, it could reveal a message that JW's are the true religion. Of course when a GB member - particularly one with the delivery of Sydlik - speculates, the sheep get carried along.

    Where do these ill-educated men get off spouting their half- digested, tabloid picked up ideas as fact...if I were giving a speech to audiences of thousands I would have to research this stuff for years!

    Actually that whole bible code ( there are many types) and numerology stuff was one of the things that convinced me the bible is a crock...so God can pun really well ( or give us tree names or rabbis birth dates) but can't give us a clear answer to whether he exists or get Jesus' geniology right? Sounds like a dick..

  • Vidiot
    When you believe that you have a direct psychic broadband connection to God and no one else around you is ever allowed to disagree, it's really easy to convince yourself that virtually every crazy-ass idea your subconscious comes up with is actually "divine insight".
  • steve2

    Where did the rank and file JWs ever get the notion that somehow their Governing Body is different from the clergy class found in other religions? Oh, that's right: From the GB themselves!

    Regardless of who you are or what you do or claim, power inevitably corrupts....

  • Vidiot

    JW: We must obey the Governing Body, because they're chosen by God.

    nonJW: How do you know that?

    JW: Because they've told us.

    nonJW: How do you know they're not wrong?

    JW: Because God wouldn't choose people who are wrong to be the Governing Body.

  • My Name is of No Consequence
    My Name is of No Consequence

    I'm sure that some of the deceased members of the governing body were "nice guys". It wouldn't surprise me if there are still some "nice guys" left.

    But to mirror steve2's comment, this is the bottom line: They have misled and continue to mislead millions of people. If there is such a thing called "divine justice", I hope that they are at the receiving end of it. These "nice guys" have literally sat by and watched as countless witnesses lost their lives in war-torn areas of the world...and did NOTHING. Even now, most of the flock is struggling just to get by and keep a smile on their tired faces. What are these "nice guys" doing? NOTHING.

    Oh wait...they are doing something. They are asking for MORE.

    Nice guys my a**.

  • notsurewheretogo
    JW: We must obey the Governing Body, because they're chosen by God.
    nonJW: How do you know that?
    JW: Because they've told us.
    nonJW: How do you know they're not wrong?
    JW: Because God wouldn't choose people who are wrong to be the Governing Body.

    Yup...and that is true of all cult thinking...

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