What a beautiful day this is! Congrats man, I'm so happy for all of you!
The biggest news of the year for Mr. and Mrs. Totally ADD
by Still Totally ADD 114 Replies latest jw friends
I am very happy for your good news.👍🏻
Many posters here are wishing for the day their shunning relatives get in touch with them!
Congratulations to you all :)
Still Totally ADD
It's bed time we would like to thank you all for your kind thoughts. Good night and we love you son. Still Totally ADD
Wow! That is great news. Thanks for sharing. Those of us with kids still-in can take hope from your good news.
LoisLane looking for Superman
WOW!!! What absolutely thrilling news! So happy for the whole family!
Are you serious
Fabulous!!!! Damn awesome! Congratulations!!!!
Sail Away
This is absolutely fantastic news! Looking forward to more of the story and hoping the rest of your family wakes up soon!
John Free
Absolutely delighted for you !
neat blue dog
This is something most can only dream of, but when it happens its wonderful. I'm so happy for you and him!