New Spiritually Weak Label: Not Using Tablet/iPhone
by Doubtfully Yours 63 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I was quite glad when my grandmother bought me and my 3 siblings tablets last year to use for jw.Borg! I've never brought mine to the meeting once, I prefer to read on paper and kill some more of the watchtowers precious trees. I use my tablet to play games on and read apostate sites, its pretty fun. ;) -
I love this change! It looks like my WT is studied as it takes 2 seconds. I never look "un-prepared" as I have every publication on me.
Best yet, I turn the brightness down, surf the web, do work, respond to emails etc... I can now entertain myself for 2 hours vs wanting to blow my brains out! Best part is people think I'm paying attention and following along!
Holy crap on a cracker!!! Do they pay attention to what they say? Create class distinctions and showy display of one's means of life? Was this before their website with broadcasts of the GB showing off their bling bling gold rings and rolex watches? Why, why, why can't people see this? They check their brains at the door! -
Damn it, I give up; my iPad is coming with me starting next week.
DYI dare you to click on something very funny, exactly 1/2 hour through the WT study. :D
Pretty amazing how quickly it went from assembly demonstrations going on about how much of a "distraction" and "waste of time" gadgets like smartphones and tablets are, telling people to not spend money or time on them because that could be time and money spent for the preaching work... to suddenly now if you don't have a tablet you're looked at as "spiritually weak". -
I feel so incredibly sad for the older ones that are clueless on how to use technology. Especially the foreign brothers and sisters. They are so confused. During this week's boring tutorial of the use of app. ,you could just see the frustration on their faces at not knowing what the hell was going on.
They are pushing the old one aside.
If I believed in a hell , I would wish that they all go there.
I felt really weird when I pulled the Green Bible out of my briefcase.....
Seriously, I think tablets are great! ( Sorry old, poor [ and black ] JWs) I want a surface pro, unless anyone has a better suggestion. I want to have a tablet, but I want a keyboard for typing/writing.
I can play with my tablet and pretend to follow along at the Kingdumb Hell.
Billy the Ex-Bethelite
iPad, eh?
I remember JWs saying that iPad was an acronym for Internet Pornography Access Device.
It is for me.....but only midget porn. I have standards.
The approval from above of the ipad is just so wonderful.....such a blessing (***barf***) my Mom has one (can't use it, but anyway it's there for all to see, we're showing off her "means of life") and I load my kindle app with something worthwhile to read. As thedepressedsoul said, it's the only way I get through meeting without blowing my brains out.