New Spiritually Weak Label: Not Using Tablet/iPhone

by Doubtfully Yours 63 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • ttdtt
    I read all of Richard Dawkins books at the KH on my iPad:)
  • Sour Grapes
    Sour Grapes
    It's all about the money. All of the savings from not publishing can be put towards the ghost kingdom halls being built somewhere.

    Somewhere...a KH is built. Where? Anywhere, except where you are. Africa, maybe, but then it's just some shitty material that cost the WTBTS nothing.

    Hey! Remember when the WTBTS was trying to be cool, and they said they were buying African people crank up radios? LOL!!!! I guess listening to radio broadcasts about food is the next best thing to eating.

    Thanks, TOMO! You're a real humanitarian! If you do rule in heaven, it's going to go to shit, FAST......


  • LevelThePlayingField
    The more people that get ipads or whatever the better I say. The reason? Simple, They will likely access the internet as well and with that comes searches and with that comes TTATT.
  • atomant
    Watch out you lot attending meetings l heard on the grape vine that very soon theres going to be a crack down and the elder police will be checking every electronic device for suspicious activity.Might be a good time to delete history for those that have been doing the unthinkable.
  • WTWizard

    There is a big problem with requiring tablets, especially if they are going to spec an expensive brand like Apple. Suppose I had sufficient funds to purchase one in 2013. I had a decent job, too. Somewhere in that year, they sent a directive to throw away all the "excess" funds and cut way back on employment to pious-sneer. Because of that, no one should have sufficient funds to afford the device.

    And suppose you are given enough funds somehow to afford the expensive iPad they seem to insist on. Joke-hova "provided" these funds. Now, you are required to do with those funds what Sophia did with her ice cream money. How are you supposed to afford the device if you have to place all the money into the Worldwide Damnation Fund? You don't, any more than Sophia can have her ice cream cone.

  • LongHairGal


    The sad fact is that all the Witnesses sitting there are going with the flow and will do whatever the religion tells them to.

    As far as the elderly who hate the new technology: the religion couldn't care less about them. It only wants their money.

    But once these elderly JWs are gone, so is the goose that lays the golden eggs!


    Are you kidding about them checking people's electronic devices??  I got news for you.

    If I were sitting there (which I won't be), there is NO way somebody is going to take my expensive device out of my hand and "inspect" it. Some brother would get a swift kick!..(It's just as well I stay out of Kingdom Halls because I would have to get physical to counteract their nervy behavior.)

    If this is not a JOKE, any Witness there who submits to this should ask for a lobotomy and to have something ELSE of theirs removed surgically as well.

  • TheOldHippie

    Doubtfully Yours, "Am I alone in this resistance???!!!"

    No, you are not alone - I am totally with you on this one, with my "for talking and Messages only phone" and Windows7 - and a huge old-fashioned library.

  • konceptual99
    Watch out you lot attending meetings l heard on the grape vine that very soon theres going to be a crack down and the elder police will be checking every electronic device for suspicious activity.Might be a good time to delete history for those that have been doing the unthinkable.

    What on earth are you talking about? What grapevine was this? The one connected to la la land? You might as well suggest elders are going to come round your house and search it for drugs.

  • konceptual99
    I felt really weird when I pulled the Green Bible out of my briefcase.....

    My old man carried on using his black NWT after they released the revised edition. He used it when reading the WT and got counselled afterwards that he should use the grey one. Idiots.

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