They are just "putting in time" there is no goal other than that, it's purely for show.
Just ask simple questions and make street witnesses move along
by OnTheWayOut 97 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
What the kid got wrong is that he's obviously not trained properly.
I always feel bad for the new employee that is poorly trained and ends up looking like a dumbass because no one bothered to train them.
Bad management. Not bad employee.
Same thing here. They send the 18yo out unprepared and dumb as a sack of rocks.
So much for their "higher" spiritual education.
Guy was probably in the TMS since he was 6 years old. Probably been to Pioneer School. Maybe been to an Elder/MS school (for MS). And this is what ya get. (GEEZUS!)
OTWO: [These JWs] had no desire to engage in discussion or debate. Easy time standing with a cart is all they wanted.
But isn't it great that they had nearly 2 BILLION HOURS in their "ministry" last year. Lots of hours avoiding discussions (except about the weather and sports while sitting at Starbucks!).
Sail Away
I understand wanting to wake these young adults up. They are clearly indoctrinated and under mind control. They are not thinking. What I have a problem with is recording this and putting it up on YouTube. I would not want this done to me or to my two children when they were still in-- how embarrassing! We were all once there. I don't think it is effective to put these JWs on apostate red alert. It will only push them further in. Please rethink this and show some compassion and kindness. The ex-JW maintained his anonymity. That privilege was not afforded these young JWs. -
Esse quam videri
Why ask stupid questions like, ' has the earth been around for two years, ten years..'? What was that supposed to accomplish other than prove to everyone that you like showing up a teen? You certainly could have come across differently if you wanted to get him to start thinking. IF. Maybe you just wanted a silly video to post on You-Tube. There was no love in your voice or manner. FAIL. -
I would certainly refuse to have a discussion with a camera trained on me. Not because I am unable to defend my beliefs but because the opportunity for misrepresenting me is limitless.....Earnest
Not if your doing the talking..
That`s the golden opportunity to preach the message your trying to get out to the entire world..
Unless that was never your goal to begin with and your just counting time..
Hoping nobody asks you any Real Questions because then they`ll know your Full of Sh*t!..
Earnest, page 3: I wonder how many people here would be prepared to talk about their convictions with a video camera trained on them, knowing any verbal slip or hesitation would be shown on you-tube and possibly distorted.I would certainly refuse to have a discussion with a camera trained on me. Not because I am unable to defend my beliefs but because the opportunity for misrepresenting me is limitless.
Okay then. Say so. I get it with the camera. I would never "grant an interview" to some stranger. Then all the JW has to say is that they will not discuss the matter with the camera rolling, but would be glad to do so without it.
Sail away, I respectfully could not disagree more. When i was a believeing dubbie i would have welcomed a chance to fairly discuss in the maner the first video presented. It would have been an excellent witness and a chance to represent the goodnews in fromt a wide audience. Perhaps its a bit different in the sense that when you give talks you assume you are being recorded and such anyway and i grew accustomed to it, but i wouldnt mind my son being recorded. I always understood that when i stepped into public i was "on stage before men and angels". These people purposly choose the most public places to witness! They do volume studies to ensure there is suffient foot traffic to justfy putting a cart there. Its simply unrealistic to think there is any expectation of 'privacy' (as the one young witness claimed) or that in these very purposly public places that you are not 'on the record' so to speak. -
2 hours agoI would certainly refuse to have a discussion with a camera trained on me. Not because I am unable to defend my beliefs but because the opportunity for misrepresenting me is limitless.....Earnest
Not if your doing the talking..
That`s the golden opportunity to preach the message your trying to get out to the entire world..
Unless that was never your goal to begin with and your just counting time..
Hoping nobody asks you any Real Questions because then they`ll know your Full of Sh*t!..You can see that on the first video that they were both caught by surprise when someone was willing to talk and ask questions. The 18 year old male witness and the female witness were both doing the dirty work of the WTBTS. They were both counting easy time ( where you just hold up the Awake Magazine and hope nobody talks to you). It clearly shows that the young man didn't even read the magazine he was handing out. If he did, he would of had real answers to the man making the video. You can see that he is tested with real questions but comes up with Parrot answers.
On the second video, the man making the video is not being a smart ass. He sees a young man that is neatly dressed, showered, and likely drove to the location. A few feet away is a man that is probably drunk and homeless. The real question is not to the young man but to the Jehovah's Witness leaders. Why isn't he taken to a location where he would have a meal, shower and a roof over his head since he is down and out? Why is the WTBTS only interested in placing a magazine? Why can't they do both?
James 2:14-17 ESV
What good is it, my brothers, if someone says he has faith but does not have works? Can that faith save him? If a brother or sister is poorly clothed and lacking in daily food, and one of you says to them, “Go in peace, be warmed and filled,” without giving them the things needed for the body, what good is that? So also faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead.
Sail Away
Sail away, I respectfully could not disagree more. When i was a believeing dubbie i would have welcomed a chance to fairly discuss in the maner the first video presented. It would have been an excellent witness and a chance to represent the goodnews in fromt a wide audience. Perhaps its a bit different in the sense that when you give talks you assume you are being recorded and such anyway and i grew accustomed to it, but i wouldnt mind my son being recorded. I always understood that when i stepped into public i was "on stage before men and angels". These people purposly choose the most public places to witness! They do volume studies to ensure there is suffient foot traffic to justfy putting a cart there. Its simply unrealistic to think there is any expectation of 'privacy' (as the one young witness claimed) or that in these very purposly public places that you are not 'on the record' so to speak. --Morpheus
Morpheus, I understand where you are coming from, but I do think that the JWs of today are a different breed. I knew my scriptural and doctrinal points backwards and forwards and could defend my beliefs. Clearly the man in the first video was not a thinking man. These JWs wanted to disengage. They were walking away. Did you not notice that they seemed to have a handler, in effect, a supervisor who shut things down when he didn't like the way things were going? They couldn't have said what they were really thinking under this circumstance even if they wanted to.
Of course the organization puts these carts in high-traffic areas. That only makes sense. It is not the rank and file JW that is making that decision. Have you considered the possibility that there are JWs who are waking up to TTATT or who are trapped born-ins who are doing this type of street work to just put in their time in the easiest way possible until they can make their way out? There are dozens of these who are posting on every week. It is sad.
Further, children are not born with critical thinking skills. I think it is reasonable to expect that people of their age under undue influence may not have developed such skills. I maintain that if the motive to help wake up a JW, recording them and putting it up on YouTube is not the way to go. It is unkind at best.
Further, children are not born with critical thinking skills. I think it is reasonable to expect that people of their age under undue influence may not have developed such skills. I maintain that if the motive to help wake up a JW, recording them and putting it up on YouTube is not the way to go. It is unkind at best.
Whoa! People their age? Young brothers, 18 years old, MS candidates soon to be Elders if they keep their d!ck in the pants until they marry the young JW woman when they are a MS by the age of 23 years old?
Did you forget that the WT/JWs have superior education? Numerous "schools" to teach their "ordained ministers"?
When I got beat up by a return visit who had obviously been visiting "apostate" websites, it forced me to do some more serious research on the subjects. I vowed never to feel like a dumbass fool again.
Well, that didn't work, since I found out that I had been a dumbass fool for over 40 years and a lot more of a fool that I had ever expected and in a totally different way than I could have ever imagined.
I think this young guy had to go home with his tail between his legs and wonder WTF had broadsided him.