Defend Jehovah's Witnesses.. False claim from opposers of JW's--Creative Day..

by James Mixon 20 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • James Mixon
    James Mixon

    "The creative Day" How long was each day? Defend

    Maybe this was posted before but I found this site.

    Search the above site. The logic of these people is way out in left field. They are NUTS.

    Maybe some one can post it for a discussion and rip their logic apart.

  • sir82

    JWs have never officially rescinded their view that each creative day was exactly 7000 years long.

    My very first post on this board was about how the 7000-year-long creative day was still being taught as "present truth" to Gilead students as recently as 2005.

  • James Mixon
    James Mixon
    How do they get around this "So the evening and the morning were the 1st day and etc".
  • James Mixon
    James Mixon
    sir82: you first post, can't find it.
  • Londo111
    In the mid-80's, I remember learning things in 9th grade earth science that refuted the 7000-year creative day. I'd lots of heated discussions with my father about this.
  • James Mixon
    James Mixon

    When I begain to wake up I spent months trying to get pass the opening book

    of the Bible, the "Creative Days".

  • Vidiot

    sir82 - "JWs have never officially rescinded their view that each creative day was exactly 7000 years long."

    No, they haven't.

    That being said, they'd look like complete idiots if they tried to push that concept on the present membership.

    Even hard-core loyalists, I suspect.

    There's a good write-up on the subject here:

  • undercover

    The WTS has gone from the early Russell doctrine of all creation happening in less than 50,000 years to a doctrine similar (7 thousand year days instead of literal 24 hour days) to what some call 'gap creationism'.

    The newer teaching is that the universe and earth were created billions/millions years ago, but only recently did Jehovah start the creation process on the earth, as far as plants, humans, etc. Complete BS, but this way they attempt to claim that the Bible and science agree (if you're trying to convince a 4 year old)

  • matt2414
    James Mixon -How do they get around this "So the evening and the morning were the 1st day and etc".

    They used to teach that the "evening" referred to the beginning of the creative process when things would be unclear to outside observers such as the angels. "Morning" referred to the end of the process when it would become clear what God had created. They claimed the process of each "day" was 7,000 years. Of course this is merely supposition considering there are no eyewitnesses around from that time period to declare otherwise.

  • problemaddict 2
    problemaddict 2

    You guys sure this is still being taught? I recall the creative days now being allegorical (duh), and refferencing a period of time that cannot be known.

    I really don't think they still teach creative days are 1K or 7K from Genesis.

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