Defend Jehovah's Witnesses.. False claim from opposers of JW's--Creative Day..

by James Mixon 20 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Stuck in the middle37
    Stuck in the middle37

    It was all explained in the book 'new heavens and new earth". The evening and morning were figurative in that, at the start of the day, what it was to accomplish was unclear but at the end of the day it was clear and bright as the morning sun. At the time it made sense to me. I'm not sure if they've stepped back from the idea or not I know they haven't mention for some time.

  • ScenicViewer

    JWs have never officially rescinded their view that each creative day was exactly 7000 years long.

    That's not unusual for Watchtower. To officially rescind a false teaching would simply draw attention to the fact that they were wrong, not something Watchtower leadership likes to do.

    For example they never officially rescinded the teaching that the 144,000 were "sealed" (meaning the number was complete) by 1935 either, even though there are plenty of anointed today, including Governing Body members, who were born after 1935.

    Moving away quietly from an embarrassing teaching is the preferred way sometimes.

  • TheOldHippie

    "but only recently did Jehovah start the creation process on the Earth,"

    Not so. That each creative day was millions of years old, is said in talks and taught. A common phrase would be something like that science tells us the Earth is billions of years old, plants many many millions if years old etc. - and that does not contradict the Bible.

    The start of the human family, though, is still fixed at 4 026 BC.

  • Lieu

    At some point they'll figure out that "one day to God is like 1000 years to man" is simply an easy way to explain an infinite time span.

    Consider to whom it was being said. People back then could reference Methusalah's lifespan being nothing when it comes to God time.

    It isn't a literal fixed time frame. It's an analogy.

    So called Christian "leadership" get on my nerves with dumb reasoning when they could simply ask Jews what THEIR early writings mean.

    Also, it isn't a JW thing, it's a fundamentalist Christian belief; JWS are like the fundies from wence they came. Adventist groups are crazy like that.

  • sir82
  • Bloody Hotdogs!
    Bloody Hotdogs!

    I have attempted to compile all relevant and recent quotes regarding the 7000 creative days here:

    To the OP: Where did you source that quote from the 2005 class? I'd love to get my hands on an official talk outline or something...

  • Crazyguy
    There was a WT artichle in 2013 I believe where I thought they gave up this teaching?
  • James Mixon
    James Mixon

    Bloody Hotdogs: defendingjehovahswitnesses.

    If that don't work, search Defend J.W's false claim from opposers of JW's_creative day.

  • undercover
    "but only recently did Jehovah start the creation process on the Earth,"
    Not so. That each creative day was millions of years old, is said in talks and taught. A common phrase would be something like that science tells us the Earth is billions of years old, plants many many millions if years old etc. - and that does not contradict the Bible.

    Official WT statement on length of creative days: (notice they say 'thousands', not 'millions')

    God created the universe, including the earth, in the indefinite past—“in the beginning,” as Genesis 1:1 says. Modern science agrees that the universe had a beginning. A recent scientific model suggests it to be almost 14 billion years old.

    The Bible also describes six “days” of creation. However, it does not say that these were 24-hour days. (Genesis 1:31) In fact, the Bible uses the word “day” to refer to various lengths of time. For example, it calls the entire period of creation “the day that Jehovah God made earth and heaven.” (Genesis 2:4) Evidently, these “days” of creation lasted many thousands of years.—Psalm 90:4.

    Granted, the WTS often says things in person at assemblies, KHs, etc that lead people one way, while the official doctrine goes the other, and this is one of those times. They so want to not be creationists, they have to twist the logic and doctrine so much, that they end up contradicting themselves, and the Bible

    Official WT statement on universe and earth existing before creation process as described in Genesis:[search_id]=06097ccc-99f4-4323-bfd5-221cc7cabbd6&insight[search_result_index]=1

    Age of the earth. Some creationists teach that the earth is just a few thousand years old. However, according to the Bible, the earth and the universe existed before the six days of creation. (Genesis 1:1) For that reason, Jehovah’s Witnesses have no objection to credible scientific research that indicates the earth may be billions of years old.

    And while that sounds more reasonable than your average run of the mill creationist, it doesn't agree with the Bible, you know, that book that is the end all be all to WT doctrine..

    Exodus 20:11

    For in six days the Lord made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them, but he rested on the seventh day. Therefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and made it holy.

  • James Mixon
    James Mixon

    It was was so strange to me that God needed a day to rest and recuperate.

    So God was tired...

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