Has anyone looked at the local churches in their area and seen pagan and freemason symbols both inside and outside. I am not a JW but at least they don't seem to follow this trend.
And all this time I thought the church predated freemasonry.
You acknowledge that this is a cult in one post, but then say that you want to join to "learn the mindset." Then you say,
But I do see the jws as well as other cults closer to the teachings in the NT then most of the protestant and catholic sects
Have you actually read your expensive Bible collection? Are they all NWTs?
No wonder the JWs, WWCOG and its many splinters, Christadelphian and others attract so many followers.
Where the heck are you getting your data from... the Watchtower?
Does the bible say to worship images made of wood, stone or metal?
Uh... no, but get a picture of the adherents falling down in the street to worship the gargoyles at your local Celtic church.
Or to see Mary as a goddess ?
Mary is given respect as the mother of Christ in Catholicism. A lot more than most religions do for women and I'm not Catholic.
All have error in their teaching and all are money making businesses. ( think of the money lenders and stalls in the temple that Jesus went off at)
I guess your research hasn't uncovered the recent money grab of the WTS, huh?
Would any Christian give away everything to someone in need as Jesus did?
If that's the biblical standard you adhere to, you'll fit in nicely with the JWs. The Writing Department would welcome you with open arms.
Sorry - I can't sugar coat this. As a "non and never been a jw" who loves comparative religion, I think I'd be able to relate to at least ONE statement that was made.
I'm with you Carla... this guy's a JW.