A former member said that elders told a relative of his after she was DFed that they would not be praying for her. is that some kind of policy, or were they just doing their own thing in that instance? 😲
by AuntBee 21 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I have heard this before too. Something about df ones having turned their backs on Jehovah and no longer being included in spiritual things and are therefore not under gods protection and the brotherhood do not pray for them.
I've heard of that too. Doesn't that go contrary to what the Bible says? It says to pray for your enemies, so why wouldn't you pray for someone who was associated with your organization.
It's just another way for them to exert control over every aspect of your life.
That's mind control!
Here it is straight from the WT page:
Does God’s direction recorded
at Jeremiah 7:16 mean that Christians would not pray about someone who
has been expelled from the Christian congregation because he is an unrepentant
Since the person is no longer in the congregation, any change in heart and attitude may be observed first by those close to him, such as a marriage mate or family members. Those observing such changes may conclude that the transgressor did not commit a sin that incurs death. They may be moved to pray that he may draw strength from God’s inspired Word and that Jehovah will act toward the sinner in harmony with His will.—Psalm 44:21; Ecclesiastes 12:14.
While some may be in a position to observe sufficient evidence to believe that the sinner has repented, this may not be the case with the congregation in general. They would be puzzled, troubled, even stumbled if they were to hear someone praying publicly about the erring one. For this reason, those who feel moved to pray about the sinner should do so only in private, leaving any further development in the matter in the hands of the responsible elders in the congregation.
I am df'd as some of you know. I often think of the scripture to pray for those persecuting you. Matthew 5:44-45
I keep them in my prayers.