elders wont pray for someone?

by AuntBee 21 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • no-zombie

    According to the KS book, after a judicial committee had decided to disfellowship someone, the meeting is closed with prayer only after dismissing the wrongdoer.

  • fulano

    Exactly... a miserable moment. Most of them leave very sad.

  • blondie

    The WTS has taught that one way they decided some act was a df'ing one, is whether that act was punished by being put to death under the law code.

    Also, that when a family member or friend was found guilty of such an offense in Israel, i.e., adultery or murder, and put to death, it was impossible for family or friends to associate with them. So they correlate this with not associating with a df'd family member or friend.

    Could you pray for a dead person? Perhaps, but would it be likely for Israelites to pray for an executed criminal, executions that they had participated in?

    Just reporting not supporting

  • oppostate

    Well the Spanish Inquisition made a big show of praying for "the souls" of those they were burning and torturing. Go figure, right?

  • Diogenesister

    Did you notice in that WT article Blondie posted, it did not even have ONE scripture it could apply to the statement about not praying for DF, sinning or struggling ones?!

    Absolutely about as unChristian as it's possible to get ...if we're talking "principals" there, Watchtower 😑

  • blondie

    Hi Diogenesister,

    The WTS does this all the time. They will say, "the Bible does not say" but....then goes on to say what they think as if their thoughts are their god's thoughts.

    Isaiah 55:8 (RNWT)

    8 β€œFor the thoughts of YOU people are not my thoughts, nor are my ways YOUR ways,” is the utterance of Jehovah.

    Example: (2018)


    The Bible does not say that a person should get baptized at a specific age. But...So from the time their children are born, parents should teach them with the goal of helping them to dedicate themselves to Jehovah and become disciples of Christ. Of course, babies do not qualify to get baptized. Still, the Bible shows that even young children can understand and love Bible truth.

  • road to nowhere
    road to nowhere

    Noone can say when sin is unforgivable according to WT but they imply it

    DF is so muddled anyway

  • Searril

    They would be puzzled, troubled, even stumbled if they were to hear someone praying publicly about the erring one.

    Isn't it interesting how everything is constantly stumbling the dubs? Talk about weak faith when those around you can barely do anything without sending a person off a ledge.

  • blondie

    Yes, stumbling is the universal answer when there is no scripture or worse it is supposed to be a "conscience matter." Even if it is only one person, rest of the congregation must dance to their tune; and of course, the elders will never name the person that might be stumbled or what that person's reasoning might be.

    My experience, most often it was that particular elder's wife who did not like something I was doing. I would just point out the elders and/or their wives who were doing the same thing. Then it was dropped.

    Of course, if you were the person who was "stumbled," you were told to overlook it and wait on their god to correct it.

  • UnshackleTheChains

    I remember being at an elders and ms meeting during the overseers visit. I will never forget when he said that we shouldn't pray for those who had stopped attending meetings. He said if they loved Jehovah, they would be here. That was most certainly one of my red flag moments πŸ™„

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