
by DoubtingThomas 84 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Anony Mous
    Anony Mous

    Intelligent conversation and your version of faith seems like an oxymoron to me.

    If what you believe is true, why doesn't your deity manifest itself so we can all believe?

    Your earlier comment also shows you have little understanding. Atheists don't believe, that's the whole point, we don't believe in anything like what you would consider a god, just like you don't believe in Zeus, we don't believe in Jesus or Jahweh. Once you accept that other people can choose not to believe, will you make progress.

  • truth_b_known

    Question posed to me - "Does God exist?"

    How I answer - "I do not understand the question. What do you mean by 'God' and 'exist'?"

    Question posed to me by myself - "Do I exist?"

    How I answer - "I do not understand the question. What do you mean by 'I' and 'exist'?" The reality is that there is no "I". In Latin "I" is "Ego", which is why psychology uses the term Ego. The Ego is a fictitious character the brain invents because the brain thrives on consistency. Consistency is equated to safety. All organs of the human body are geared to ensure the body goes on living. The brain does this by creating thought and the Ego.

    If I do not exist, what does it matter if there is a god that exists or not?

    Does Jesus exist? Was there a historical Jesus? Does Christianity exist? Does it matter to Christianity if Jesus never existed or at least did not exist as the Bible portrays him?

    1. I do not know. Does it really matter?

    2. Perhaps he did. Does it really matter?

    3. Yes.

    4. Unfortunately it is paramount to Christianity, in its current and previous forms, that the Bible be 100% accurate. No Jesus means no Christianity.

  • Jeffro


    Well you described it as 'tedios', and refused to answer my question, on which an intelligent conversation hinged.

    Your ‘question’ was rhetorical nonsense based on a false premise. Your use of loaded terms like ‘accident’ does not indicate a desire for intelligent conversation at all. Just the typical creationist cliches. Calling an alternative to your view an ‘accident’ is not evidence of your position, and posing it as the only alternative is a false dichotomy.

    You still have not provided any justification for your claim to “know” that any god exists (or even what a god is), let alone the Christian god. Ultimately, you will try to claim an infinite regress requiring some initial sentient ‘creator’ that doesn’t require a creator itself, which is special pleading.

    Back in reality, we know that organic compounds come from simpler non-living compounds without any need for a magical infinitely complex entity that contradicts your own premise.

  • DoubtingThomas

    See what I mean . Incapable of honest thought.

  • Jeffro

    Haha. Not only can you not actually identify what is supposedly dishonest about my thinking, but you are totally incapable of presenting any evidence for your claim to know a god exists.

  • road to nowhere
    road to nowhere

    Simon. Can we end this? No meaningful discussion. Thanks

  • DoubtingThomas

    Is there ANYTHING meaningful at this site?

    The fact that that atheists have ONLY this short life- means that they should be ELSEWHERE!

  • Jeffro


    The fact that that atheists have ONLY this short life- means that they should be ELSEWHERE!

    You haven’t demonstrated any basis whatsoever for the notion that you have any advantage over ‘atheists’. But if we pretend for a moment that your god exists, then if it is worthy of any respect whatsoever, then it would reward the intellectual honesty of not believing claims without evidence. But if it is instead a capricious psychopath, then you have no advantage anyway.

  • DoubtingThomas

    I agree. Your point?

  • Jeffro


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