Well, let's try to envision what it would be like to wake up one
morning living under the rulership of Jesus Christ: You wake up at
dawn, not because your alarm went off or because your back
aches, but because you are fully rested and refreshed. You throw
those covers off and spring out of bed eager to get up because you
have a lot of things to do and can't wait to get started.
You go into the bathroom to wash up and you look into the mirror
and you notice that those wrinkles around your eyes are just about
gone. Now your hair isn't grey any more, and that thin spot in the
back is starting to fill in. As you wash your face you notice that the
muscles in your arm feel hard and toned, and your stomach no
longer has that spare tire around it. You look up on the shelf and
there's your old pair of glasses, collecting dust, you haven't had to
wear those for quite a while now.
Well you get dressed and walk out into the front porch and as you
open the door, your lungs are filled with the freshest and clearest
air imaginable, you can smell the incense of cedars and pine trees.
It's just invigorating! and as you look off into the eastern sky, your
eyes behold brilliant colors of fiery red, and yellow as another
spectacular sunrise takes place.
Your house is up on a slight knoll, and as you look down the hill,
the morning sun breaks over the trees, and as it shines on the grass
wet from the morning dew, the tiny dew-drops just sparkle like
little diamonds.
The valley floor is covered by a patch-work of different varieties
of wild flowers, all with their varied colors of blues, reds, pinks,
whites, and yellows. All glistening in the early morning sun.
There are animals of all kinds grazing in the meadow below you.
But wait, that looks like a leopard--stalking a deer---the deer puts
his head down, it looks like he's going to charge, no wait, the deer
and the leopard are just rubbing heads in affection. The leopard
rubs his lean, muscular body up against the deer, and in true cat-like
fashion, walks off indifferently. Yes, all the animals live
together in peace with each other and with mankind.
After your morning breakfast, you start your work, if you want to
call it that, you enjoy it so much it's more like a pleasurable
hobby. You've always been mechanically inclined, and you get to
design and build things of a mechanical nature, and you are totally
absorbed in your work.
You might change after a hundred years or so, there are so many
things that you've always wanted to do. You always wanted to
learn how to play a musical instrument, or two. Since you've
never been really what you'd call musically inclined, it might take
you a couple of hundred years or so to get the knack of it. Oh well,
Then too, you always had an interest in horticulture, and you've
wanted to try your hand at cross-breeding roses to see what kind of
new varieties you could create. That could take a while, since it
takes decades to isolate different features from different varieties
and then cross-pollinate them so that you get a truly unique
variety. Oh well, NO HURRY!
But then you've always liked animals too and there are some
interesting species that you would like to do some field research
on. And you always wanted to try your hand at painting and wood
carving. So many things to do and SO MUCH TIME to do it!
One of these centuries, though your going to make it a point to
take a little time off and do some traveling. There are so many
different parts of the earth that you always wanted to see! It will
really be enjoyable travelling to these lands now because under
Christ's rulership all national borders have been done away with,
so there are no national wars or tribal conflicts to worry about.
Nobody views one race or nationality as being superior to another,
and since mankind has returned to speaking just one language, it
will be easy to get around. You won't have to worry about being
robbed or taken advantage of, since all wickedness earth wide has
been totally eliminated!
Where will you find a place to stay and food to eat? Not to worry!
Since food is abundant and everyone has their own house and
property, people are more than willing to share, and give you a
room to stay in, giving you ample opportunity to meet new people
and make new friends. And while you're travelling around you're
going to want to look up some of your relatives. Since the
resurrection has started you still haven't had a chance to meet your
great, great, great grandfather on your mother's side of the family!
And speaking of the resurrection, you're really looking forward to
the next convention, Noah, King David, and Abraham are going to
be there and you've really been looking forward to talking to them.
All of these activities will take a long long time. But since old
age, sickness, and death have been done away with, you have
literally "FOREVER" to do it.
Well, your day has passed by quickly, it's evening now and you've
just finished supper, and you're taking a stroll through a field in
back of your house, there's a small creek that's flowing close by
that goes into a pond that you built. The sound of the water
bubbling and gushing over the rocks is soothing to your ears. The
crickets are chirping and the frogs are croaking. Everything is
calm, peaceful, and secure.
There's a warm, gentle breeze blowing and it carries the smell of
lilacs across your nose. It changes direction a little and you can
catch that sweet smell of freshly cut hay coming from your
neighbors. As you watch the sun go down in a dazzling display of
colors that was matched only by the sunrise that morning, you say
a prayer of thanks to Jehovah God for all these blessings and for
giving you such a marvelous future.
It's late now and you get yourself ready for bed. You're tired, but
content, feeling satisfied with your accomplishments of the day.
As you pull the covers up over you, you briefly think about some
things that you want to do tomorrow, then you drift off to sleep.
Well what do you think? Would you enjoy living under the
rulership of Jesus Christ? These conditions just described will
become realities in God's Kingdom. This can be YOUR future. It
is being held out to you. For Jehovah God has promised--yes
promised--to bring about these very conditions.
So now that we know what the future holds, the next question is--are we
willing to adjust our lives NOW, so that God will see fit to
allow us to live there and experience and enjoy it? Yes "allow"--
for God has requirements for those who would want to live under
his Son's rulership.
If we want to have God's approval, we have to exercise faith in
Him and show by the way we live our lives that we are striving to
both learn what His will is and to apply it in our life. Can others
easily tell that you are a zealous advocate of that Kingdom? Are
you actively advocating that World Government to others? We
cannot expect Jehovah to grant us everlasting life under such
marvelous conditions if we have not dedicated our lives to HIM
NOW. Yes, you must be part of Jehovah's Organization, doing
God's will, in order to receive his blessings of everlasting life. So
keep the picture of God's promised New World bright in your
mind and heart. Everyday think about the grand future that
Jehovah God holds out to you--living forever in paradise
conditions right here on earth!
Sorry I reverted to Elder mode for a second.. (Shiver)